The East India Trading Company

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Drew's POV:

The rain started four days ago, and it's coming down in sheets now. The flags on Pride's mast are whipped back and forth with the wind. As we pull into Port Royal, I throw my long leather coat over my shoulders. Before stepping off Pride, I make sure to tuck my compass out of sight into the sash around my waist.

"Drew, let me come with you," Anamaria calls, beginning to follow me across the dock.

I shake my head at her. "No, stay with my ships. I'll be back before long, and take down my colors, but keep the navy flag up."

She nods grudgingly and turns back to the ships. I'm sure I was quite a sight for sore eyes, stumbling across the docks, soaked from the rain, and exhausted from the long journey.

I'm met where the docks join with the town by Lieutenant Gillette. 

"Commodore Rose, a pleasure to see you again."

I straighten up to look as attentive as possible. "And you Lieutenant," I reply. "Where's my Father?"

He shakes his head "Don't know to be honest Commodore. Possibly in the Manor?"

"What about Commodore Norrington?"

He shakes his head again "Again, no idea, he sailed off about a month ago, and we received word of his resignation last fortnight."

He's gone? 

A huff of frustration passes my lips. "Well, do you know where Miss Swann is?"

He nods solemnly. "She's up in the fort, Commodore. Today was to be her wedding day."

I open my mouth to reply but drums begin to sound over the port. I turn around and see a massive ship gliding into the port, and she's flying the flag of the East India Trading Company.

"Oh no." I mutter, leaving Gillette behind, I turn and run for the fort. I run through the courtyard and see the west side of the fort is set for a wedding, the decorations soaked from the rain. The bride is kneeling in front of the altar, drenched by the rain. "Oh, Elizabeth." I breathe.

I run over to her and kneel down beside her to wrap my arms around her shoulders.

She looks up at me, dazed. "Drew?"

I give her a smile. "Yes, it's me. We need to get out of here."

I help her stand up and guide her over to the covered walkway that encircles the courtyard, but our path is blocked by a flood of red coats. Elizabeth whimpers nets to me at the sight of her bridegroom clapped in irons. Father's eyes fall on me as he joins the crowd, but quickly flit away. 

My eyes narrow as a short figure slinks onto the scene.

"Cutler Beckett." I spit, stepping in front of Elizabeth.

"Actually it's Lord now." He announces, puffing out his chest. "How are you doing... dear Rose?" He says, tapping my nose.

"That's Captain Rose to you. I was doing better before you showed up." I sneer.

He smirks, "Still bitter are we?"

"You tried to have me killed. You wanted me sent to the gallows just for docking in Tortuga."

"It's a Pirate Port."

I narrow my eyes. "Yet still it's free. Curious, but I guess you still need a hideaway for your black market allies."

He lunges to grab my wrist and yanks back my sleeve. He sneers at the clear skin he reveals "Your wrist may be bare but you've had your fair share of playing dirty."

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