Shipwreck Cove

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Jack's POV:

I open my eyes as Gibbs starts yelling above deck. 

Damn him to the depths, can't a man get any sleep? 

I drag myself out of my bed and stumble over to my mirror.

I look like death. 

This never should've happened. Bri is dead, Beckett has the heart, and I'm sailing to Shipwreck Cove to convene with the Pirate Lords. I take a deep breath and turn to walk out my cabin door.

As I stride across the deck I hear Gibbs talking to Pintel. "Not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island, where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck."

Pintel strides off as I approach Gibbs. "For all that pirates have plundered, we are an unimaginable lot when it comes to naming things. I once sailed with a lad, lost both his arms and part of his eye."

"And what did you call him Cap'n?" Gibbs asks, intrigued.

"eh, Larry." I reply. I sweep my gaze over the water and then back to Gibbs, he's giving me a strange look. "What are you looking at sir?"

He stutters, "Well Cap'n, you know you haven't been the same since Drew died. Are ye sure you're feeling fit?"

I roll my eyes and give him a stern face. "I be feeling fine sir, I'd be feeling better if I had a bottle of rum in my hand."

At that Gibbs scurries off and I turn my gaze back to the crystal clear waters. 

Oh Bri, I miss your fire, your unexpected turns, your bravery. And you'll never be coming back.

Barbossa's POV:

I look at Tia with a face of disgust. "I don't renege on a deal once struck, but we agreed to see ends meet. The means that bring us there are mine to decide."

She looks back at me with fire in her ice-cold eyes. "Don't you forget who brought you back from de dead in de first place. It was by my power alone, and don't you forget what I can do should you fail me." 

She turns to walk away from me but I fiercely grab her wrist and spin her around to face me again. "And don't forget why ye had to bring me back in the first place and why we couldn't leave Jack to that well-deserved fate. It took nine pirate lords to bind ye, it'll take no less than nine pirate lords to undo it." I sneer, "You're lucky Captain Rose wasn't named a Lord, as elusive as she's being. You never cared about her, ye didn't care if she was dead or in the locker."

Tia's view snaps up to look me in the eye. "I cared about Drew more dan I could anyone else. She was a friend. Besides you're one to talk, since when have you cared about her?"

I glare at Tia as hard as I can, "I always have, it's become harder and harder to find one honest soul in the world, pirate she was, but she never lost honor. She may have had secrets but she fought for the better of others. She was a brave soul and she was a friend to me. She was able to lift the curse of the Aztec gold and bring me and me crew back. I was honest with her when I came back. Can you say the same? Did ye ever whisper your secrets to her?" I cackle as Tia looks at me with shock and surprise. "Masters Pintel and Ragetti." I call across the deck, the two scurry close as I turn my gaze back to Tia Dalma. "Take this fishwife to the brig."

The pair pulls Tia off the deck and shoves her down below. Good riddance, that witch has been bothering me non stop since we met with Sao Feng. I hope Drew gets back soon, we need her.

Will's POV:

I take a sip of my tea as I feel Jones' footsteps make their way down the hallway outside.

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