The Island of the Pelegostos

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Drew's POV:

My back groans in protest when I roll out of bed in the morning. I slip on a white shirt, a brown corset, some brown pants, and step into my brown boots.

Rolling my shoulders, I walk on deck with my compass in hand. With the calm waters, it's easy for Loyalty and Pride to stay on their heading until a sliver of land appears on the horizon.

"There men! Keep her towards that island!" I shout, pointing off the starboard side of Loyalty.

We continue until we're less than half a league away. On the sand, the Pearl is beached, apparently with no one on board. The crew begins to ready the longboats, but a haunting sense of déjà vu settles over me.

I know this island...

Then it hits me. I snap my compass shut and tie it to my belt. "Draw the long boats in men!" I shout. "Not one soul will step off this ship! All hands below deck!"

Will scrambles up to the helm beside me. "What's wrong Drew?"

I look at him. "Jacks here but he's in trouble." I swipe my hand across Mercy, making a rope drop and swing me over to Pride. The crew gathers around me when I land on the deck.

"Cap'n the longboats are ready!" Thomas says to me.

"Belay that, all men are to go below deck and stay there. I want Anamaria on deck at the wheel ready to make way."

He's taken aback by the urgency in my voice, but nods and walks off.

Anamaria pulls me aside before I can get back to Loyalty. "Calm down Drew, you're in a right state, you're white as a ghost. Why don't you want us to leave Pride?" She whispers.

I turn to her with wide eyes, trying to steady my breathing. "Not one soul is to step off my ships except for Will and I. Understood? Captain's orders."

"Aye Cap'n. How long should we wait?"

I look her in the eyes. "One day, keep to the code from there." She looks at me and nods solemnly.

"Thomas! Front and center lad!"

He scrambles to stand in front of me."Aye Captain Rose?"

"I want you to hold Loyalty, I trust you."

He nods. "Yes of course Captain."

Without thinking, I pull him into a hug. "Thank you for being a friend Thomas. You're a rare man and I'm proud to call you my first mate. Take care of my ship."

He pulls back, chuckling. "Why are you talking like that Drew? You're only going to find Jack, you'll be back within the day. You sound like you're going to your death."

If only he knew.

I sigh, putting up a positive facade. "I suppose you're right." I turn to Will. "You ready?" He nods curtly. I climb onto the rail, turn to face my crew and give them a salute before diving into the water.

"You make that seem easy Drew." Will pants, flopping onto the sand at my feet. "How'd you swim so fast through that current? It's like you're part fish."

I smile "Practice mate." Glancing at my compass again, I start toward the tree line. A couple steps into the jungle, a parrot lands next to us.

A very familiar parrot...

"Don't eat me! Don't eat me!" He cries.

Will looks at me before answering plainly, "We won't eat you."

I step towards the parrot with my hand outstretched, but the bird flies off.

Damn bird.

"Come on Will." I say over my shoulder. I keep pushing through the foliage until I hear Will stop behind me.

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