The End of the Beginning

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\ Moments before  \

Jack's POV:

My heart pounds in my chest as I look over my shoulder to Isla Cruces, where my salvation lies. Screams from the Pearl draw my attention back to her. The thumping in my chest sinks into my stomach. I halt my rowing and reach for my compass. 

The compass doesn't lie.

Just as I jump over the rail onto quarter-deck, a rifle clatters to the wood in front of me. To keep it from sliding away, I put my foot down on top of it. A hand appears at my boot and tries to pry it from the deck. I look down to see Elizabeth gazing up at me in disbelief.

Smiling at her, I pick up the rifle myself and cock it at the cargo net swinging above the deck. I take a second to steady my breathing while the Kraken's tentacles creep closer to the barrels. As soon as William jumps free from the net, I tighten my finger on the trigger and the Kraken goes reeling back to the depths. The crew shouts in celebration, but my heart still lies heavy in my stomach.

We've won this battle but the beastie will be back.

"Captain! Orders!" Gibbs yells to me.

"Abandon ship, everyone into the longboat," I reply.

"But Jack, the Pearl." Gibbs persists.

I take a breath, my face solemn. "She's only a ship, mate," I mumble.

"He's right we need to head for the island." Elizabeth gestures to Isla Cruces.

Pintel grimaces. "That's a lot of open water."

Ragetti nods his head in agreement. "A lot."

"We can get away as it takes down the Pearl," Will says, herding the surviving crew over to the rail.

"We have to try," Elizabeth says, wrapping an arm around Will's waist.

"Aye," Gibbs speaks up. "Abandon ship. Abandon ship or abandon hope." He waves the remaining crewmen over to the rail to begin prepping the longboat.

"Thank you, Jack." Elizabeth comes over to me.

I shake my head. "We're not free yet."

"You came back. I always knew you were a good man." She continues, creeping towards me until her lips are pressed to mine. I stumble back in surprise, but she follows with me.

No... No this isn't right.

I keep trying to pull away, but Elizabeth continues to kiss me until my back hits the mainmast. Something cold and heavy latches onto my wrist. I open my eyes to see Elizabeth backing away from me.

"It's after you, not the ship. It's not us." She stammers. "This is the only way don't you see? I'm not sorry." She says.

All I can do is smirk at her. "Pirate." I taunt.

I can see the word stings her. "It's what you get for mucking around in my life."

I set my jaw. "Is everyone in the longboat?"

She nods.

I sweep my eyes across the deck and my heart sinks into my stomach. "What about Bri?" I ask.

"She's probably with everyone else, Jack don't you worry." 

I shake my head and pull against the chain connecting me to the mainmast. "How are you sure? I haven't seen her. Something must have happened, we need to find her."

Elizabeth backs away. "You don't know what you're talking about."

Her mouth still quivering with unspoken words, she turns away from me and starts climbing down into the longboat. The shackle on my wrist grows heavier with each second as the longboat begins to move from view.

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