Calypso Freed

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Drew's POV:

Ice cold water swishes around my head as I break the surface next to the Pearl. The frigid currents didn't bother me as a mermaid, but with my legs back an unpleasant burning starts to creep up my numb lower limbs. I hook my arm around a rope hanging over the Pearl's rail and hoist myself up to land lightly on the deck- right into the middle of a perfectly stupid scene.

Tia Dalma has been cocooned in ropes and the crew is circled around her like she's some witch on trial. And as per usual, they're arguing amongst themselves.

"No, you've got to do the other thing first."

"I know what I be doin' Mister. Would you like to be responsible with releasing the most powerful goddess in the world who could potentially destroy us all?"

"Ah no sir, Captain Barbossa, sir..."

Barbossa's back is still turned to me and no one has noticed me.

"Alright," Barbossa begins to speak again "Items to be brought together- done. Items to be burned and someone must speak the words 'Calypso, I release you from your human bonds.'"

Pintel wrinkles his nose in confusion, "That's it?"

Barbossa scoffs. "The words must be said as if to a lover."

The whole crew laughs and Barbossa is handed a lighting fuse

"CALYPSO, I RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR HUMAN BONDS." He bellows. He tries to light the pieces of eight but nothing happens.

I guess that's my cue. I push through the ring of men and hold my arms out wide. "Well, this isn't really a surprise. If that's how you talk to the person you love... It's no wonder you lot are single, drunken pirates."

Barbossa rolls his eyes. "Perfect timing as always Miss Rose-"

"It's Captain." I cut him off

"Of course, Captain. But I think I know how to talk to the woman I love." He retorts.

"N-no, she's right. You didn't say it right." Ragetti mutters

I turn to him with wide eyes.

"Y-you've got to say it right" He walks forward and gently strokes Tia's face. "Calypso... I release you from your human bonds."

The bowl holding the pieces of eight lifts out of Pintel's hands, and delicate tendrils of smoke begin to rise from the pieces of eight. Tia leans forward, trembling as she inhales. Suddenly her eyes snap open and she blows out the small fire before her.

"Tia?" Will steps slowly forward. "Tia Dalma..." He stiffens his jaw when she doesn't reply. "Calypso. When the Brethren Court first imprisoned you, who was it that showed them how? Who was it that betrayed you?"

"Name him!" She says, still trembling.

I elbow my way past Will. "Think about what you're doing." I hiss at him. "Tia, I'm sorry for the way they've treated you. This isn't the way to go about this."

I slip my knife out of its sheath on my thigh and move to start cutting away the ropes wrapped around her.

Barbossa reaches out and seizes my wrist. "No Captain Rose. The ropes stay."

I look down at his hand on my wrist and flash my eyes up at him. "She isn't an animal. She's a friend. We need to trust her."

He shakes his head. "You can't do that."

I narrow my eyes. "You elected me as Pirate King. I trust her, and my word is law."

I pull my hand out of his grasp and continue to cut away the ropes. When the final binding falls to the deck, Tia collapses into my arms.

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