The Locker of Davy Jones

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James' POV:

The wood of my cabin creaks around me, but my eyes stay glued to Brianna's name on the sword in my hand.

What have I done?

I've returned myself to my former glory, but at what cost? Since I've returned with the heart I've been given the highest respect, but everything is hollow. I have a uniform, a ship, and a title, but I have no Brianna.

A knock at my door pulls me from my thoughts. A sailor stands in the doorway. "Lord Beckett requests that you board the Dutchman."

I simply bow my head and stand up to follow the sailor out.

"Steady men." I say to two nervous looking sailors before facing Jones' crew. Within seconds, the captain himself pushes through to the front.

His eyes fall on the chest as two officers carry it on deck. "Go. All of you." He spits. "And take that infernal thing with you. I will not have it on my ship."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, because I will." Beckett's shrill voice sounds over the crew. "Because it seems to be the only way to ensure this ship do as directed by the Company."

I gesture for the men carrying the chest to take it below deck.

"The Company needs prisoners to interrogate. Which works best when they're alive." Beckett continues.

Jones squares his shoulders and replies. "The Dutchman sails as its Captain commands it." Beckett sneers.

"And the Captain shall sail as commanded. I thought you learned that when I told you to cross off your pet." Beckett, a good head shorter than Jones, steps towards the Captain of the Dead, clearly asserting his dominance. "These seas are no longer yours, Jones. The immaterial has become...... immaterial." He turns to me, dismissing me. "Admiral."

I nod and follow him back to Endeavor. I'm sure he expects me to go back to my station, but I follow him back to the galley. I let him continue to look over the chart table while I linger in the door, clearing my throat to catch his attention.

"And what do you want, James?" He says my name as if it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

I step into the office, my head held high. "I just wanted to know if you had any news of Captain Rose."

A wicked grin spreads across his face. "Ah, your... Rose. No, I do not have any news on her. Both of her ships showed up in Port Royal a few days ago, but she was not among the crew. That means she's still in the locker, good news for us. Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering."

Beckett creeps towards me. "I hope you haven't forgotten your orders, Admiral."

"No, sir. I just don't..." I trail off.

"Don't what? Think it's just?" His eyes dare me to answer. "Well go on, Admiral, spit it out. You don't think Rose should be killed?"

I open my mouth but stop myself, emitting a huff of frustration from Beckett. "I'm a busy man James. I have places to be, people to cut down. If you have something to say, say it now."

My eyes meet his as I set my jaw. "I stand by my prior testament. Captain Rose is a valuable person to have as an ally. I insist that she would be of more value to us alive than dead. She agreed to find Sparrow's compass, didn't she? She may agree to work with you again." I stop at the look on Beckett's face, the cogs turning in his head.

"You think Rose will agree to work for me?"

His eyes seem like they're looking through me, I blink once before replying. "Of course." That's a lie. "She is first and foremost a Navy officer, she'll follow orders. She was a liaison for the East India Trading Company was she not? I'm sure she'll cooperate again." All lies.

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