The Missing Rose

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James' POV:

"These stinkin' navy rats better be off our tails soon. Don't know why the Cap'n is lettin' 'em stay so long anyway." A crew member mutters to another as I pass by.

It's not like I enjoy being on the Dutchman. I'd rather be back at the wheel of my own ship, searching for Brianna. "Quarter Master! I need to speak with you!" I shout up to quarter deck.

The said creature stomps down the stairs, giving me a look of pure evil. "And what do ye be wanting?" He sneers.

"Beckett has ordered that I assume the position of Quarter Master on this ship," I state in a very stiff manner.

The man just looks at me then throws his head back in a mad cackle. "ha! ha-ha, You! ha-haha!" He lunges and grabs my coat collar. "Listen you, I been the Quarter Master on this ship for over a century, and I ain't steppin' down for a maggot like you. What exactly would I be doing should you be named Quarter Master?"

I swallow and take a breath "Lord Beckett would have you take charge of the brig."

He lets loose another cackle as he lets go of me and walks off without another word. 

To the Captain it is then. 

As I wander off to find his cabin, thoughts begin to roll through my head. Beckett has yet to inform me of Brianna's whereabouts. Of course, he's probably keeping her location secret to keep me under his leverage, but what if he doesn't know where she is? No, he must know. He has to.

When I reach Jones' cabin, I gingerly knock on the door. Hearing no reply, I gently push it open to see him at his organ, gazing at something in his hands. I knock on the door again, slightly louder than the last. He looks up and spots me. "Ah, do come in Admiral."

Why is he being so friendly?

I step across the threshold, trying to seem confident. "Captain, Lord Beckett wishes that I be instated as Quartermaster on this ship, but your current refused to step down."

Jones stands up and begins to stride towards me. "Did he now? And what do you expect me to do about it?"

I clench my jaw, so be it if he wants to play tough. "Well as you know Lord Beckett hates to be ignored, and he expects his demands to be carried out. I would hate for him to find out that you refused one of his orders..." I trail off to let that settle in his head.

I see the cogs working as he figures it out, even if he refuses he'll have to do it anyway and he will risk upsetting Beckett. "Very well, I'll put Maccus in order tomorrow. You're dismissed, Quarter Master."

I stay rooted on the spot. I can't believe that card worked.

"Unless there's another damned thing you want to spit out," Jones says impatiently, noticing my hesitation to leave.

I open my mouth, throwing caution to the wind. "Lord Beckett is also searching for someone by the name of Brianna Rose. She was rumored to have been on the Pearl when it was sunk. Do you have any information on her whereabouts? I was under the impression she was taken to the locker."

Jones shakes his head and sneers. "I know who that bitch is, and no, I don't know where she is.  I haven't for weeks, I was hoping she was finally dead. I can tell you she's not in the locker and I know for damn sure she's not on my ship." He turns and walks back to his organ. "Admiral, you are dismissed."

Beckett's POV:

Where are you Rose.... Where are you.

My fingers continue to spin the globe in front of me and the names of lands and oceans blend together into nothing. A knock at the galley door catches my attention. I look up to see James standing at the entryway, the Navy sailor on a righteous path. Putting on a fake smile, I wave him in. "Ah, Admiral. What news do you bring to the Endeavor?"

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