Chapter 10- An old Enemy

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The next morning, Red brought a letter to you. One of your allied settlements had sent it, wanting your help to exterminate a nearby group of pesky raiders. You figured it would be an easy task, so you told the guys you could go alone. However, Adam explained why that was a bad idea. So instead of going solo, you told Ross to be ready by noon. The sooner you got rid of these guys, the better.

When high noon rolled around, you had kissed your daughter and your husband goodbye, and gathered your weapons of choice. Ross was exactly on time, meeting you by the door with his bag and gun. Just like that, you walked off with him in tow.

Once you arrived at the shop, both Ross and yourself walked in carefully, searching the floor for traps and mines. A few raiders popped out and you quickly shot them down. After that you approached the stairs and split up.

As you walked down the steps, you failed to notice the stuffed Jangles the Moon Monkey sitting in the corner until it was too late. His little symbols clapped together and alerted a woman.

"Well well well, look who it is. The caged dove that broke free." Her voice brought back memories of a dark room and a painful concussion. You could smell the blood that dried on the walls not long after being spilled from your body. There she was, standing before you and you were internally panicking.

"Cat got your tongue? Where's that boyfriend of yours, huh? Home taking care of your good for nothing band of misfits?" She spat. A shiver ran down your spine and you glared at her.

"I was really hoping I wouldn't have to see your ugly face again, Luna." You hissed. Your hand rested on your holstered gun, just in case she decided to make a move.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance!" She shouted, aiming a sub machine gun directly at you.

You ducked your head as you ran through the maze of metal shelves and boxes as she fired rapidly at you. You got to the end of the maze and dropped down into the corner. Thankfully you were covered pretty well there, but you couldn't get too comfortable.

Her bullets halted and heels clicked against the concrete floor at an agonizingly slow pace, your pulse quickened with each step she took. Quickly as possible with your shaking hands, you pulled out your handgun. You could hear her getting closer. There were no bullets in your gun so you quickly loaded one into the chamber. Hopefully only needing that one. Click clack click clack. You held your gun out an arms length away, and waited.

As soon as her figure popped into view you; took a quick breath in, aimed, and fired the gun. The only sound heard in the room after that was her dead body hitting the floor. Once your heart slowed back to a calm pace, you stood up on your shaky legs and made it over to the terminal that kept the metal door closed. You hacked it and opened the door.

Inside the small storage room, was a crate that held some mines. You took some cryo mines and a few frag mines. Then you filled your bag with Molotov cocktails. Finally you checked the last chest. It held a fat man and some mini nukes. Excitedly you grabbed them and stuck them in your bag. You already had one at the tower, but the one in your hands gave you an idea.

Quickly you left the room, stopping only once to kick Luna in the stomach. You opened the door and Ross was collecting caps from the nearby cash register. He noticed you walk out and approached.

"Hey are you alright? You look a little pale." He asked. You nodded.

"Yeah...Luna was here." You explained. He gasped.

"Did she hurt you??" He questioned.

"No...I killed her." You spoke slowly. A part of you was thinking it was only a dream. But it was true, you killed her.

A Mithzan/Max x Reader. Radiation.Where stories live. Discover now