Chapter 19- Announcement

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((Forgive me for taking so long with this update! Enjoy!))

"Uh, (Y/n) punched me when we were trying to strap you down." He stated, looking more concerned than mad. You looked to Adam and Max and they both nodded sadly. Damn! I punched him?!

"Barney, I'm so sorry! I totally don't even remember doing it and just--" he stopped you.

"It's okay. It was your PTSD, you couldn't help it." He smiled and left the room. Adam also left but Max stayed, still holding your hand. Suddenly it hit you and you started crying.

"Hunny please don't cry! What's the matter?" Max asked, standing so he could wipe some of your tears away.

"I-I just hurt someone else! Who is next Max?? Am I g-going to hurt our daughter?!" You sobbed. He hushed you and stroked your hair.

"No baby, just relax okay. Nothing else will happen. Barney is going to come up with a plan and we're going to make it better. I promise." He kissed your forehead and sat down on his stool again.

"R-really?" You sniffed.

"Yes hunny, really. You have to have faith in him, he's a smart guy." Max spoke. The room went silent for a while after that and you drifted off to sleep. A few hours later, you woke up unstrapped from the table but your left arm was still restrained. You weren't awake for long until Barney walked in.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked, walking over to the desk to pick up a notebook.

"Better. The pain meds are wearing off though." You sighed.

"Let me get your arm in a sling so you can move around if you want." He suggested. He grabbed a mesh sling for your arm and approached you. As he worked you decided to voice a thought.

"Barney, I think I need to stop going on missions until I'm better. It's too dangerous for me to be out there with all kinds of violence. As much as I really want to try living normally, I just can't. I think this PTSD is effecting me more than I thought it was." You looked up to see what he thought. He was smiling.

"I think that's a very good idea, general. Do you want to tell the others?" He asked.

"Yeah I do." You nodded. He helped you stand and walked you upstairs to a soft chair. He gathered the others who weren't already in the room. Finally when everyone was present, you began.

"Hi guys. Not sure if you've heard yet, but I have PTSD. It happened after I killed Luna. I started feeling really sad and depressed over her death, then it turned into nightmares about what she did to me and her coming back to life to torture me more." You took a deep breath and continued. "I'm telling you this because I need to step back from being your General for now, until I can heal. So I'm naming Adam as the new General temporarily. Thank you all for understanding." You got up and Alesa came to hug you.

"You're doing the right thing." She agreed. Everyone gave you words of encouragement and support and you went back to your room for the night. For once you were thankful for a dreamless sleep.

A Mithzan/Max x Reader. Radiation.Where stories live. Discover now