Chapter 14- Just Tired

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Hoping that her punch wouldn't hurt too bad, you closed your eyes. But instead of the punch, you heard Max speaking.

"That's enough. We came here to apologize and return your soldiers. Now please put my wife down." Max demanded. You looked up to see Max holding the lieutenant's wrist. Hesitantly, she let go and you stood up. You rubbed your neck where her hand left a red mark and stepped closer to Max. He handed you the bag and you gave it to the Lieutenant.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Our peace offering. We brought you something, besides your soldiers, as an apology gift." She pulled out a new enhanced pistol and a knife with "Lieutenant" engraved in the handles. She looked up at you in slight awe.

"Thank you...I don't know what to say." She spoke softly and her cold eyes showed a sweet emotion for the first time since you met her.

"It's fine. Just take care of these guys, alright? They need encouraging words sometimes, not just to be yelled at." You smiled back at Morgan and Evan, who were thanking you with their eyes. So Morgan and Evan got settled back into their old rooms and they promised to visit the tower once in a while. The lieutenant apologized for shoving you into the wall and almost punching you, then wished you a safe journey back home. President Aphmau also thanked you both, and wished you safe travels.

As you walked out of the town, Max grabbed your hand. You looked at him and he just smiled, so you intertwined your fingers with his and walked happily back home. Though, I would be lying if I said it was an easy journey home.

Definitely not an easy journey. There was a pack of feral dogs, a group of raiders, and a swarm of bloatflies. Finally you both made it to the tower. Once inside you both helped each other clean up and bandage the cuts. What a crazy journey home!

You walked upstairs to check on everyone and saw them just gathering at the table for dinner. You and Max sat down and began to eat. The others asked about your trip to the town, and you explained everything. They shared their thoughts and sympathies once your story was finished, then everyone was silent until dinner was done. You took yours, daughter's, and Mason's plates and took care of them. When you returned to the table she was sitting there waiting for you.

"Mommy! Adam taught us all about our guns today! He even showed us how to load them! We didn't shoot yet though, because he said you wanted to teach us that." She smiled, bouncing in her seat.

"That's right. Tomorrow I promise I'll show you guys how to shoot, okay?" You smiled and she squealed in excitement, running off to tell Mason. You leaned back in your chair for a minute to rest when a pair of arms tightly wrapped around your shoulders and chest, securing you to the chair. Suddenly you weren't sitting in the dining room at the tower anymore. When you looked down at your shoes, you saw small holes and blood seeping into the material. Panicking completely, you scratched at the rope and once free you bolted down the steps and didn't stop until you got outside.

Outside everything was normal, and your mind began to calm down. What just happened? You checked your feet and realized they were normal shoes, no holes or blood. There were no cuts or scrapes on your arms either. Most importantly, no Luna. Luna. That's what the flashback was about? You stood there, about a foot from the open tower door and just stared out at the slowly darkening sky. A cool breeze played with some hair that hung loose from your (braid/ponytail/bun). You took a deep breath and turned toward the door.

"(Y/n)!! Hey!" Max appeared and stopped when he saw you. Holding his hands, he took slow, deliberate steps toward you. "Are you ok? What happened hunny?" He asked.

"I don't know...I was somewhere else. I got scared and I ran." You spoke. He hung on each word you said, watching you carefully.

"Sweetie it's alright now, you're safe. Come here." He coaxed, opening his arms. You walked up to him and he hugged you softly. You made no effort to move, only standing like a statue as he stroked your hair. After that you went straight to bed, deciding it had been a long day and you were just tired.

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