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I'm a nice person, well better than my mom anyway. I have good grades and I have big dreams for myself. I've never been into a fight, I always admit when I'm wrong and I go to the church every Sunday. But even nice people have their limits and I think my own Grandma will be the first person to ever reach that limit.

After the whole grocery incident, we went to this famous restaurant here in North Carolina called The Shack-they have really good burgers, steaks, etc.

But my Grandmother was in a hurry and the restaurant didn't have a drive thru so she parked the car and decided to take out our orders. She asked me nicely what I wanted to eat and I clearly said I wanted their Burger Supreme. She just nod and left me in the car, so while waiting patiently for my beloved Grandmother, I blasted Coldplay songs on the radio and sang my heart out.

After a few minutes she comes back with a large paper bag and then we went home.

Here comes the best part

We entered the kitchen and she placed the paper bag carefully on top of her long dining table. I excitedly sat beside her while waiting for her to take out my Burger Supreme from the paper bag.

But guess what?

It never came out


Instead of buying me a greasy, unhealthy and large burger, she takes out a very green, neat and healthy looking salad. I look at the seven pieces of lettuce and five slices of tomatoes in front of me with horror.

"What is this?" I asked with disbelief. She takes out her huge greasy burger from the paper bag while smiling. "Salad" She said while throwing the paper bag away.

This lady

"But I asked for a burger, Grandma" She mimicked my line and voice then frowned making her wrinkles even more obvious. "You're so ungrateful do you know that? I bought you something that can extend your life and you're sitting here telling me that you asked for something else?" Okay, she's exaggerating "Teenagers these days" She said while shaking her head and taking a bite of her burger.

Instead of arguing with her, I just let out an irritated sigh and gulped down my anger. I decided to be the mature one and just apologize for being so ungrateful.

"I'm sorry and I appreciate the salad, Grandma" I said forcing a smile. She looks at me suspiciously. She squinted and looked at me closely "What's with your smile, kid? You look constipated"

Forget maturity. This woman is crazy.

I grab the plastic fork and stabbed the lettuce harshly then shoved it inside my mouth. I glare at the salad in front of me and stabbed another lettuce.

"Poor lettuce" Grandma muttered while chewing on her delicious burger.


After drinking three cups of strawberry flavored tea and reading twenty poems. I remove my reading glasses and decided to think of something else to do. I'm pretty sure laying down on my bed for five hours is not healthy even after eating the healthy salad that's suppose to extend my life according to my Grandma. I walk outside my room and went to my Grandmother's mini library.

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