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I put the cup down with a trembling hand

I quickly stood up and walked towards the cashier

"Who gave it?" I said with a hard and panicked tone making the cashier jump and look at me with wide eyes. "A guy, I don't really know him" I run my hand through my hair and chewed on my lip nervously "What did he look like?" She stayed silent for a moment then shook her head "I can't remember, I'm sorry"

She couldn't remember? She just saw the guy a few minutes ago and she already forgot his face?

"Bullcrap, you just saw him a few minutes ago and you already forgot?" I said rudely, slamming the counter and glaring at her. She cowered back in fear which made me realize what I just did.

I'm not like this

I'm nothing like this

The guy who keeps sending me numbers is making me like this and I hate it. He's driving me insane and I cant even do a thing about it.

"I- I swear, I can't remember and I don't know why, all I remember is that the person's a male" She stuttered.

I closed my eyes tightly and took a couple of deep breaths.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude. It's just that this person has been following me and sending me random numbers for the past few days and it's driving me nuts" I confessed, running a trembling hand on my hair.

Something about North Carolina was making me an honest and open person, too honest and open. First, I snuck out with a random guy that I just met at a grocery. Second, I just confessed to a cashier girl that a psycho person is out there stalking me and giving me random numbers.

The cashier girl's eyes widened and her eyes looked at me with fear and pity

"That's scary, have you told the police?" I chewed on my lip nervously.

Chewing on my lip is something that I do when I'm scared or nervous

"Yes, they couldn't track the guy's number but they're trying their best to find him" I said with arms wrapped around myself. She sighed and gave me a sad look which I didn't really need right now.

I felt scared, nervous and hopeless

I was a wreck

And pity looks from random strangers is not what I need

I need answers

"But I can assure you that there's no poison in that coffee that I gave you though" She quickly said with a nervous look "I made it myself so I'm pretty sure it's clean" I gave her a weak smile and just nod.

"I know but I already have one so I think I'll pass" I gave her a smile and walked back to my table and grabbed the drink that I ordered.

Giving the coffee one final glance, I left the coffee shop and decided to just tag along with my Grandma to feel safe.

I entered the shop and saw my Grandma walking towards me with four paperbags, two on each arm. I raised an eyebrow and looked at the paperbags with narrowed eyes

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