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Me and John quickly went downstairs to greet my Grandma. If we stayed in the room for a few minutes longer then went down together, Grandma might think we were messing around inside her territory.

"Good Evening, Mrs- ....um-..." John looked at me with eyes screaming for help

"Smith" I whispered quietly making sure that only John heard

"-Mrs. Smith" John said with a warm smile. Grandma looked at us with suspicion written all over her face "Me and Alex arrived ten to fifteen minutes ago. I didn't want to leave her alone so, I stayed with her and we waited for you to arrive but I can assure you Mrs. Smith that nothing happened" John said nervously. I could see a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

It wasn't even hot

Grandma's strict and serious face soon turned into her famous playful smirk "Calm down, boy. You look like you're talking to a person with a gun" Grandma started laughing, making us laugh along with her

"Although I do have a gun here somewhere..." She muttered, loud enough to make John's smile drop.

"Grandma!" I gave her a 'Don't scare him' look which she ignored

"Have you eaten dinner, young man?" Grandma asked walking towards the refrigerator "It's John, Mrs. Smith and no ma'am" John said politely

"Well then have dinner with me and my little pee pie" I face palm myself and hid my tomato face.

I can't believe my own Grandmother's embarrassing me infront of the only guy who actually liked me

"Pee pie?" John asked amused, looking at me with shiny eyes that would've made me smile and giggle in a girly way but I didn't, I gave him my best glare.

"Well her middle name's Hope, Alexandra Hope Smith Carter. That's why I call her pee pie"

"No you don't, you're just doing this to embarrass me" I threw my hands up in the air and glared at my Grandma with red cheeks. "Well I think it's cute" John said, defending her.

"Whatever" I muttered helping Grandmother take the chicken out of the fridge.

"I'm just going to re-heat this chicken then let's have dinner. Is that okay, Joel?"

"Yes and it's John ma'am-" John said earning a glare from Grandma "-but Joel's fine" He quickly said nervously.

I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed John's large hand and pulled him to the living room. "I'm sorry about that, she can be a bit-...scary sometimes and awkward" I said, embarrassed

"I actually like your Grandma, she's really fun and cool" He said sincerely, giving me a charming smile.

He liked my Grandma?

I didn't know if John was simply just saying that to make me feel less embarrased or if his equally as crazy as the Mother of my Mother.

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