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I said while shaking my head and looking away from the three crazy lunatics that were standing infront of me with serious expressions evident on their flawless faces. When I said I was ready to do crazy things, I didn't mean crazy-that-can-kill-me-in-a-second kind of crazy

"It's the only way, Alex" Lily said like she was almost one hundred percent sure that their crazy plan will work. "Let me get this straight" I said sitting up straight and looking at them straight in the eye "You want me to show the real me to your Alpha who by the way hates my entire being and be nice to him and try to make him like me?" They all nodded "Are you all out of your damn minds?!" I half yelled "He just announced infront of your whole pack that he wants to execute me himself and you think showing the real me and being nice to him will suddenly make him like me? Where's the logic in that?" Cole started massaging his temples and released a loud deep sigh "You don't get it, Alex"

"Then explain it further, Cole! Because none of this is making sense right now" I said desperately, feeling my eyes sting slightly. "There are lots of things about our world that you will never understand, Alex! Its not that easy to explain things especially when its one of our Alpha's orders to not tell you a single detail" Cole said with a firm voice. I buried my face inside my hands that were on top of my knees.

I felt like crying

I wanted to

But I couldn't anymore. I was too tired to

"Alex, look at me..." Lily said softly. I looked up with red eyes that were full of unshed tears "Believe it or not, I want to save you, I really do. Because saving you means saving my brother too..." I looked at her confused "What do you mean?"

"But we cant save you if you won't let us, Alex" She said, completely ignoring my question "I know everything seems so unrealistic right now-" tell me about it "-but believe me when I say that there's still a away out of this" She held both of my hands tightly "Its a crazy way out but its the only way out" She said looking at me seriously. I looked at Emma and Cole who were also staring at me seriously. I looked at our hands and tried to concentrate on what my mind was telling me.

And it was only telling me one thing...

"What should I do first?" I whispered making them sigh in relief and a half smile form on their faces. "That was easier than I thought" Emma said with disbelief yet happiness in her voice "I honestly thought she would throw the bed at us before actually listening to us"

"Sad to say, I'm not as strong as you guys so I cant really do that" I said with a sincere smile on my face. I returned my gaze on Lily

"What are the things that I should do?"


I slammed the alarm clock with my hand roughly trying to shut the noise down. I forced my eyes to open and looked at the clock

It was only five in the morning but I need to get up and go to Grey's room to do my job but my body felt heavy and my eyes were hot

I have a fever

I forced myself to sit down and immediately felt like throwing up. I decided to set my alarm to five fifty and went back to sleep because of the headache that I was feeling

I woke up not feeling any better, instead the headache and the heaviness of my body got worse. I bit my bottom lip, trying to stand up slowly. I tied my hair in a messy ponytail, not caring about what I look like and walked out of the room slowly. I got to his room after a few minutes because of my slow walking. I knocked on the door softly, waiting patiently for him to open the door. After the second knock, he opened the door, revealing his morning look. His morning look did not look like a morning look at all, he looked like me when I spend atleast twenty four hours trying to fix my face

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