Fire - Link

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apologies in advanced for the cringe. this is from 2017/2018, idk lmao

Rain pelts down hard against the canopy of trees above my head. I'm half frozen, trudging through the forest with Link a few paces behind. I gotta admit, I've begun to develop feelings for him. It's been just the two of us with each other for a majority of the time since we're more often than not deep in the wilderness. A while ago I decided I was going to help Link on his quest when I heard about it. He was a little confused and apprehensive at first, but I proved myself useful. He's told me he's glad to have some help, so now it's the two of us on his quest.

We near a rock wall. I notice a small gap in the jagged face. It looks like a cave. Thank Hylia, maybe we can finally get some goddamn shelter. I veer off in its direction without any comment. Link follows, skirting along the rockface. We enter the cave and I collapse down in a heap. I curl up inside the cave once we've both settled in. It's not much warmer than outside, but at least we'll dry off. I let out a sigh of discomfort. Link pulls out some wood that managed to keep kind of dry by some miracle. I grab a flintstone out of my pocket and begin to strike it with a small iron dagger. Sparks continually fly off the flintstone and into the little pyramid of wood Link had set up. The kindling eventually catches alight, and the fire begins to grow.

A minute later, I start to shiver. The fire is still getting bigger. It's certainly taking its sweet time. Link scoots closer and huddles next to me. He's also shivering a bit.

I remove my drenched cloak and sit in my shirt and pants. I slowly inch forward to fire to warm myself, careful to not burn myself. Once I feel the heat, a wave of warmth and ease hits me, wrapping from the front to the back. Link joins me in removing his hood and cloak while inching towards the fire. I pull out a piece of raw meat that I got from hunting before the storm. I skewer the meat on a stick and plant it in the ground, suspended over the fire to cook. Link's eyes lighten at the sight of food. There's suddenly a grumbling. Link's stomach growls and I grin. He's always so hungry. While we wait for the meat to cook, we sit in silence. It's quite awkward because there's that heavy feeling in the air that we both want to say something. Link's eyes keep flickering up at me, then back at the fire. That's when he broke the silence.

"You kind of remind me of the fire." He says quietly.
I tilt my head in confusion and ask how.

"Well... You're both comforting when times get rough. You're both warm and make me calm," He pokes the fire with a stick. "You both cook well, too," He adds while looking up and laugh a little. I chuckle at the pun. The meat is ready after a bit more silence. Blood is beginning to appear in the groves of the browning meat. I pull both pieces off the stick and throw the sticks in the fire. I give Link his piece and he scarfs it down without even putting anything on it. He sighs with content from the warm meal. A few more quiet seconds and he's back to comparing me with the fire.

"You're both dangerous if not handled properly," He looks up at me. "I've been meaning to say that you are a really good fighter."
My eyes widen. Being called a good fighter by the hero of Hyrule is definitely not something you hear everyday.
"And you're both quite mesmerizing," He says. That one snaps me back into reality.

"...What?" I ask dumbly. Is he flirting? Shit. I start to heat up profusely, causing me to hide my face. Has the cold made him all wonky or something? Or was the meat off, making him say this?

Finally, just to add salt to the wound: "One could also say you're both smoking hot."
Link finishes his sentence but then frowns in surprise at what he just said. I bury my face in my hands from embarrassment. Okay, that's it. Why is he doing this? Is he just doing this to get a reaction out of me? My face is probably like a cherry right now. I look up at him from between my fingers and see him awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. He's probably thinking something along the lines of 'why did I just say that?'
I'm not unhearing that comment for a long time. I lean in to punch him gently for the terrible fire pun.

"O-okay... W-where did that come from...?" I sputter, face still burning red.

"Uh... I don't know... I'm–I'm gonna turn in for the night." He says awkwardly. He curls up next to the fire on his side. I guess I'll get some sleep too, then.
I lay down and roll over onto my side. A tired state comes pretty quickly for me. I've had some warm food, and I've warmed up. I pull my now drier cloak over my body to serve as a makeshift blanket.
Just before I go to sleep, I roll back over to check on Link. He's staring at the fire with a blank expression. I'm not gonna be very warm tonight, so I might need to steal some of Link's warmth.

I worm my way up next to him quietly. He notices my presence next to him. He looks down at me with a faint smile on his lips. I take this as the cue to shut my eyes again. I stick my head on Link's side to try and absorb a bit of his warmth, and hopefully provide him with some.

About fifteen minutes later, Link does the thing that I would have least expected him to do. He must think I'm dead asleep because he leans down and gently places his lips on my forehead with a small kiss. A KISS.

"Goodnight, my little flame," He whispers to himself. Bloody hell, I'm confused. Then he drops the bomb. This was completely unexpected. (I bet you did, though...) "I think I'm in love with you..." He quietly says before sinking down and closing his eyes. Cue the internal screaming.

Here comes my early onset midlife crisis.

A/N (Sept 2017)
I hope you enjoyed this. I like to write funny stories to take away some of the cringe from lovey-dovey oneshots.
Feel free to leave suggestions! I'm open to any requests!
Peace out y'all.

Edited on June 4th 2020

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