Luminous Stone - Sidon

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I hope you find this kinda funny. It was fun to write.

"A frog would want these more than I. Maybe them Zora would want a couple useless items like these," the old man crabs about my luminous stone jewelry.

"I'm sorry you don't want some of these fabulous bracelets or earrings. Clearly you don't have anyone special to give them too," I snap back at him as he walks in the other direction from me. "And don't insult the Zora like that! They have more beauty than you in their left foot than you could ever have!"

"Shaddup, you ole whippersnapper. I never asked for your opinion." He waves me off and huffs back to the abandoned campsite that I first found him in. What a useless old grump. He doesn't have a good taste at all. I work hard for these things!

But he did say that perhaps the Zora would want these beautiful items that I so carefully made. They appreciate art unlike that old wheezer.

I set off on my journey to Zora's Domain. I've been there maybe... yeah, I've never been there before, but I've heard such amazing things about it. The entire structure is made out of luminous stone which makes it glow at night. I can only imagine the beauty of it, but I want to see it for myself. From one or two girls I've also heard that their prince is very attractive. Not sure what he looks like, but perhaps I could also feast my eyes on whatever he looks like. I got so lost in thought that I didn't really realize that I had already wound up in front of Zora's Domain.

"Holy crap."

Huge cascading waterfalls crash into ponds which all lead back to the main basin. Smack in the middle of the basin, a huge fish like structure stands out, reflecting golds and blues from the setting sun behind me. The purple coloured rocks also begin to emit a more prominent glow as the sky grows darker. And the flora, hoo boy! It's literally like coral. I snag a branch of a coral-like bush from the plant next to me and stuff it in my pocket. Perhaps I can sell it to someone later for a bit of money. My legs move on their own and walk forward across the intricate bridge. Like I said, the Zora really appreciate the arts.

I step into the main plaza which is decorated with a large statue of the fallen Zora champion, Mipha. Apparently she's really pretty. From this statue, I can confirm. In front of it, a large red Zora stands. I take a couple of steps toward the statue and look at it.

The tall Zora must have noticed I was there all of a sudden because he looked down with a surprised look on his face. I look back up at him and all I can mutter is:

"Hot damn."

His fins drape down the side of his face, framing it perfectly. He has incredibly broad shoulders and a toned body. His large amber eyes stare down at me with confusion and surprise.

"Hold on... what did you say?" He asks in a refined and proper accent. His voice is smooth with a nice ring.

"I said 'How do you do?'," I hold out my hand in some sort of a hand shake, blatantly trying to hide the fact that I just said 'hot damn' to a stranger.

"Oh! I'm quite fine. I'm Prince Sidon, prince of the Zoras," He says with a huge smile, flashing his bright white teeth. "What's your name?"

"It's (Y/N)." So this is Sidon, huh? Those girls were correct. He is very handsome.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" He asks. I must have been staring.

"You're staring." He says. Called it.

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were."

"Zora's Domain is just so beautiful! I've never been here before!" I quickly change the subject and Sidon's face lights up.

"Ah, yes!" He begins to go on about how everything here in Zora's Domain is made out of luminous stone. It's quite cute watching how enthusiastic he is about his home. After about the fifth mention of luminous stone, I suddenly remember that I have some luminous stone jewelry.

"—he does all the designs of the things here in Zora's Domain."

"How do you think I could interest you in some luminous stone earrings or bracelets?" I ask, taking a couple of examples out of my pocket and hold out the glowing pieces of blue jewelry.

Sidon's attention turns to the items in my hand and his eyes instantly grow at the sight of these types of jewelry.

"Wow! Where did you get these?" He asks, amazed by their quality... I think.

"I made them myself. Mined, carved and finished all by me," I say proudly. Sidon carefully picks one up in his hands and inspects it.

"Amazing! I've never seen luminous stone jewelry before. How much are the bracelets? I think I want one!" He declares.

They're usually 1000 rupees because they're really hard to make. But I like Sidon. He seems like a really cool guy, plus I kinda wanted to give him one.

"Umm... 100 rupees? Hopefully that's not that expensive..." I say. I don't want to seem like a hoarder.

"Only 100? Wow, that's so little for such a great quality bracelet! Plus this is made of real luminous stone, and one is worth about 300 rupees." Sidon says and hands me a silver rupee, which I place in my other pocket.

"Thank you so much! Do you think the other Zora would want some?"

"Of course! If I think these are probably one of the best pieces of jewelry made, then they'd probably fight for some of them," He laughs. His laugh sounds so nice.

"I know I'm not Zora, but do you think I could set up a little temporary shop if you say they'll be that popular?"

"That would be perfect! I'm sure you would draw a lot of customers because you're so pretty. I'm surprised that not that many people have bought the jewelry," His comment just made me explode of embarrassment inside.


"(Y/N)? Your face is just as red as my scales. Also what's with that smirk on your face?" He asks innocently.

"People would just be jealous that you called me pretty," I laugh. I'm not too sure why I said that, but I just have to roll with it now that it's come out of my mouth.

"But it's true! I really wonder how some people haven't yet tried to get you into their pants," He says pretty unsuspectingly.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind you in my pants," I mutter.

"Pardon?" he asks. He didn't hear what I said, allowing me to relax internally.

"Eheheheh nothing. It's time to sell some stuff!" I put on a determined face and he responds with a grin and a big thumbs up. After about an hour, we're already partners in crime. 

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