Are You An Owl? - Revali

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Requested by SarahOakenshield

Before Ganon

"Hey (Nm), are you an owl? Because, hoo damn (girl/boy). You are hot." Revali says in a stupidly flirty voice, pointing finger guns at me.

"Pfft," I laugh with a tone of nervousness. "Where'd ya get that one?" I ask him.

"I came up with it myself." He winks at me.

"You sure you didn't ask Daruk for that one?" That ruffled his feathers.

"Of course not!" He replies. "Anyway, I'm single and ready to flamingle." He winks once again. I just facepalm. It's getting pretty late, so I tell Revali that I'm heading home. He offers to fly me back home, but I turn down his offer. I have a horse. I can't leave (H/N) here. Eventually getting home just before midnight after a long ride, I run into Link at the entrance of Hateno Village.

"Oh, hey Link! How're you doing?" I ask him. He looks up and smiles. 

"I'm doing good. Zelda's in town visiting Purah. She dismissed me, so I decided I'd walk around town a bit. How was Rito Village? Revali still flirting with you?" He says.

"Yup, if anything he's gotten worse. I don't know why in all honesty. I was thinking about asking him why he's doing it so much." I jump down off my horse and grab (H/N) by the reigns. 

"Hmm. That'd be a good idea. Maybe he's practicing on you, or he likes you. It really could be anything." 

"I dunno, but I'm pretty tired. I'm heading home. See ya tomorrow maybe." I yawn. 

"Later, (Nm)." Link says. I hug him goodbye quickly, in which he too responds with a hug. 

Entering my house, little did I know that there was a jealous Rito watching me. 

~~~~~ Time skip to next day ~~~~~

I was woken up by arguing out the front of my house. From what I could tell, it was two men. Their voices were both familiar. 

"What were you doing with her last night?!" One shouts. "You like her don't you." 

"What?! Of course not! She's nothing more than a friend. I don't think of (Nm) like that." The other shouts back, quieter. They're talking about me? The nerve of these two people to argue about who likes me on my front lawn. Like an old man, I bust open to door and begin to yell at the two bickering men.

But what I see was a real plot twist. It's Revali and Link, staring daggers at each other. 

"What. The. HELL are you doing arguing about who I like at 8 in the morning right outside my house. You two idiots woke me up." I spit annoyedly. 

Both Revali and Link look like frozen Bokoblins. Huge confused eyes, frozen to the spot. 

Revali is the first one to speak up. "I'm sorry, (Nm). I was just asking Link here who he likes." He side glances Link with a passive-aggressive glare. 

"What?! You were not asking that! You were shouting at me because your jealous lil' bird face can't handle that I hugged the person he has a crush o—" 

Link is cut off by Revali's feathered hand slapping across Link's mouth, covering it. 

"Don't say anything, douche canoe." 

"Pfft. She already knows that you like her anyway." Link says as he bats away Revali's arm. 

"Oh my god. Shut up Link... Anyway, good morning (Nm). Could you meet me today at Rito Village? I know you were there yesterday, but I have something important to tell you about." 

And with that, he was off in his gale, flying back to his home. I turn to Link, who is currently spitting out purple feathers. 

"What did he want to talk to me about?" I ask him.

"Hehe. You'll find out." Link says sheepishly. His mood changed from being cranky to sly. Is this some crappy fanfiction where the writer pays no attention to the mood of the characters? Whatever. 

I wave off Link and mount my horse, beginning my long ride to Rito Village.

~~~~~ Another Time skip to Rito Village~~~~~

"I'm so glad you could make it, (Nm)." Revali says to me as I get off my (H/N). 

"No problem." I smile "Now what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask. Almost as if I was asking for it, Revali sweeps me up, sticks me on his back and flies me up to the Vah Medoh, his Divine Beast. 

He puts me down on the back of the wings, and sits down next to me. "Hey (girl/boy), you're owl I need. Hoot hoot" Revali winks.

I laugh at his corny pick up line. 

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask Revali, who's still pulling dumb, flirty faces. 

"Alright. Let me get straight to the point. Do you like Link?" He asks.

"What? Noooooonononono. He's just a friend." I explain. I only like him as a friend. Besides... there's someone else I like. Revali's face relaxes.

"Well, you see... I like you. Clearly you've gathered that from me flirting with you so much." Revali explains.

I can feel my face heat up. Oooh man. Why has been flirting with me so much, now that I think about it.

"It's because I was worried that he was going to steal you away, or that if you got any closer, I'd lose you to him. I don't want that... because I have a crush on you. But it's not just me in this... How do you feel about me?" 

Ohhh crap... Now I've gotta spill my darkest secret. I love guys that use pick up lines.

"............................Yes...........................I love your pick up lines. And you." I mutter hawkwardly. 

Revali pulls me in to a bone crushing hug. 

"WOO! MY FLIRTING HAS WON OVER (Nm)!" Revali shouts overjoyed, me still wrapped in his wings.

KREEAWWWWW! Medoh cries in response. 

"Hehe, I agree Medoh." Revali says. Then he pecks me on the cheek with his beak. I swear, at that moment, I felt Medoh winking at me.

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