To the Rescue - Sidon

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Requested by AnimeFan212

(If you notice that the perspective changed from my normal 1st person to 2nd person, it's just me trying out different perspectives. Also it's past tense. Another attempt at something else)

(After Ganon)

After a long hike through the Lanaryu wetlands, you had finally reached the Zora River. It wasn't as wide as you expected, but the current and waterfalls still drowned out the sound of the current downfall.

"How am I going to get there in this weather?" You muttered to yourself. "The hero would've done this at some point to get here. And he was only... what, 17? If he can do it, so can I."

You adjusted your jacket so it covered your head from the rain. A few Lizalfos littered the path, but they were dealt with easily, seeing as one could say you were an experienced fighter. The path wound around and around in tricky bends. The foliage was still all pine trees, so you weren't close... at all.

You swore you felt a pair of eyes staring at the back of your neck. It wasn't an ominous feeling, enough to make your hair stand on end. But simply unnerving. The eyes were piercing. Strong.

Ignoring the feeling, you saw more green Lizalfos' sitting along the path. There were a few too many so you pulled out your Lizalfos mask that you got from Kilton. Good thing you visited the Fang and Bone before you left. You took on the Lizalfos stance that was good enough to trick the barely-sentient creatures. The weird thing was, you could have sworn you heard a low laughter coming from the river. You looked to find the source but there was only streak of red.

A fish probably just got killed.

You brushed off what the red might have been and continued along the path. More ideas flew through your head. Maybe it was a Zora? But they wouldn't be down this far without a good reason.

You finally came out of the forest and entered a small system of caves. You thought you heard something come out of the water. You quickly snapped your head around to see...

Nothing. There wasn't anything.

Shrugging it off, you enter the caves. The path continued for an extremely long time until you eventually came out to be greeted by steep, blue cliffs. The underwater aspect of the landscape hinted at the fact that you were nearing the Great Lanayru spring. You were nearing the Zora's Domain.

The path winds upwards, cutting through two large rock masses. Apparently there was giant boulder that falls every time someone walked along the path.

You denied the fact that it falls every time, so you just continued forward.


"Look out below!"

That voice warned you just in time, because you lunged forward, the rock just barely missing you. Adrenaline from that sudden fright puts you on edge. Once you calmed down, you tried to find the source of the voice. Nothing.

That wasn't something to just ignore. But you continued along, despite it all.

More Lizalfos stare at you and just follow you slowly. They hadn't noticed that you are a different species completely. Not very smart...

Once again, you walked up the path. It was getting more and more cold as you got higher and higher. The rain had stopped at least.

After what felt like ages from walking on the path, you finally came to see the Lanayru Great Spring. The Zora's Domain was now in sight. It glistened in the previously cold sun.

You stopped and stood for a second to take in the scenery. Waterfalls cascaded down the  mountains surrounding the Domain. The illuminated rocks glowed softly, giving everything an underwater vibe. To add to that, the foliage was like coral. The vibrant purples, pinks and oranges left you awestruck. You loved it here already.

Now filled with wanderlust, your pace picked up as you crossed the bridge. Suddenly out of no where, there was a huge growl from behind you.

You snapped around to see a Silver Moblin with a Dragon Bone Moblin Club. Those things would hit like a truck. While you were strong, it was out of your ability to defeat a Silver Moblin. It would just be suicide to try and attack it.

Remembering that you had a Lizalfos cap on, you tried to trick it into thinking you were a Lizalfos. They never attacked each other in enemy camps... but that didn't work. It snarled. You really should have gotten that Moblin cap that Kilton tried to sell you.


A booming voice called from behind the Moblin. It dropped to the ground, but only to spring shortly back up again. You looked to see what had knocked over the Moblin, so you found yourself standing face to face with a tall, red Zora. This must have been the red you saw before. Perhaps even the person who cried look out to save you from that falling rock.

"I need your sword!" The Zora shouted. You were clutching onto your Knight's sword that you'd found. With out hesitation, you threw it to the Zora who caught with one mighty jump.

A blur of red and silver collided with the Moblin. After what felt like an extremely short time for fighting a Silver Leagued monster, the Zora had finally finished the Moblin, and he didn't even get a single scratch.

"Are you all right?" The Zora man held out a hand to help you up after falling over.

"Yes... I'm fine... You fought that Moblin though. Are you alright?" You replied.

The Zora man just shrugged with a small smile.

"While your here, what's your name?" You asked him.

"Me? Why, I'm Prince Sidon of the Zoras. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance..." He hesitated with his last words, unsure of your name.

"My-my name's (Nm), you'd highness. It is an honour to be graced by your presence." You kneeled down to show respect to the Zora royalty.

Prince Sidon chuckled. "There's no need to be so formal. Please, just consider me as a friend to you."

You were left lost for words. A Zora prince just became your friend.

A very handsome Zora prince.

"Come. Follow me to Zora's Domain. It's very close from here." He held out his hand again to guide you. And you took it without second thoughts.

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