Frickin' Lynels - Revali

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Requested by ThisNameIshTakenz
(Sorry for the long delay!! and the image)

(Before Ganon)

Crap crap crap... those damned Lynels. Everywhere I go, there seems to be a Lynel. I manage to beat the crap outta those idiots. I could probably take on a basic lynel, but a Silver Lynel? Different story... 

Whoop, whaddya'know. Another Lynel pops outta the bush. What is it with these guys? A few dodges and attacks took care of that jackass. Honestly, I feel so tired to the point where a red bokoblin could probably kill me. And that's saying something. Those guys literally get oneshotted by me. 

Not gaining back any strength, I continue to trek through the wilderness. According to my map, this place is legit Lynel territory. Great job, (Nm). Someone is totally just gonna come outta the sky and save you when you meet this Lynel. 

I tried to silently creep around where the Lynel is, but that's not happening. It hears me. Turning in my direction, I notice it's a white colour. AWESOME. HARDEST TIER LYNEL RIGHT HERE TO KILL YOU. 

90% of me wants to just accept my fate and die, but the other 10% of me wants to fight this piece of crap. I listen to the measly 10% percent. Mustering up all the strength I can gather, I charge at it with my claymore. I somehow managed to defeat it, but only because adrenaline kept me going. On the brink of exhaustion, I collapse on my side. The soft grass and leaves beckon me to the over-looming darkness that slowly swallows me up.

My conscious drifts in and out. Vision blurring, I see a dark, blue figure drift down upon me. Are the angels here to guide me to the after life? Great. I'm dying... The figure calls my name gently.


That's the last thing I heard.

Haha just kidding, turns out I'm still alive. A stabbing pain echoes through my body. I slowly look down to find my torso wrapped in bandages. They're stained red. Red with my blood. It's fresh. My senses start to reorganize themselves to the point where I can finally decipher where I am. 

Burning wood of a crackling fire. Soft, wet grass. Most likely from dew. Everything is dark. The only visible light is the moon and fire. It's quite a relaxing atmosphere. I try to move my hands to be clasped behind my head, but my body decides otherwise. 

"ACK! Nope—that ain't happening." I tell myself through gritted teeth. Man, I'm pretty injured. 

"You shouldn't move," A voice says. It's a familiar voice... A Rito I know... Revali's voice. Why is he here? I look around to see where Revali is. I can make out his beak and face through the fire. "You're still quite injured." 

"No shit Sherlock." 

"What's a Sherlock?"

"Um... I don't know." 

"Anyway, I saw fighting those Lynels. What were you doing fighting so many?" Revali asks after a minute of silence. 

"What? How did you know I was fighting those Lynels?" I ask. Was he watching me fighting them?

"Yeah, I admit. I was watching you fight those Lynels. You're quite a good fighter." He doesn't move his gaze from the fire.

Why the Ganondwarf was he watching me fight?

I guess he can tell I was confused, so he cleared up what he was saying. Apparently he was flying by when he heard a huge fight. He went to investigate it and turns out it was me fighting the Lynels. He stayed incase I ended up needing help, but mainly because I was a good fighter. Also because he eventually figured out it was me. 

"Yeah. Hope that makes things more clear. It's not like... I like you or anything..." The Rito says. (He's literally a tsundere. I am not even sorry.)

I try to sit up, but more stabbing pain ripples throughout my body. 

"SHTIO" I choke. Revali gently pushes me back down. 

"Don't move so much. I told you. We're in the middle of no where, and I couldn't find any good resources." He explains.

Not moving too much and pouting my lip, I lay back down. That's a valid point, and I'm not very good at verbal fights as I am at physical fights. We just sit in silence. There's a rising tension. It's probably just me with my half delusional mind, so I try to start up a conversation. 

"How do Ritos chew? Like, you don't have any teeth, so when you eat fish, do you swallow is straight, or mush it up into tiny little pieces and then slurp it up?" I ask. What a great question, (Nm). 

"What kind of a question is that? We're nothing like our unintelligent so-called 'cousins' of birds. The Rito race have some dignity, so... yeah... we pretty much swallow our food straight." 

"How do Hylians eat. Do you swallow your food too or something? Or do you chew." 

"We chew, you idiot. You've seen how Link eats." I reply.

"Him? No, he literally just inhales his food. I don't know how he does it. Let alone not look any different at all after eating such a huge dish sometimes. I just didn't know if for some reason Hylians literally suck the food off their plates." 

"Welp, I'm gonna turn in for the night." I say.

"I will too then. Sorry if ya wake up all groggy. We don't have anything good in this area." 

We? Guess we're a team now. 

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