Rivals - Link

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REQUESTED BY ThisNameIshTakenz

Igor, this is similar-ish. Just minus the Yandere part because I don't feel like writing another Yandere Story. I'm gonna try and wright this in 2nd person, past tense. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 10K READS! ILYSM

You were walking along the winding path that led to the Zora's Domain. You trekked along the path, keeping the beautiful atmosphere of the Domain in your mind. While there have been rumours of the path being a dangerous journey, it isn't any longer. Not ever since your friend, Link, came through and killed all the Lizalfos after the last Blood Moon. Due to this, you were glad you didn't have to risk getting zapped.

The different Zoras you were familiar with skipped through your head. There's the grumpy old Zora named Trello. Then there's also the kids. Tula is quite funny. She's sweet. Finally your mind passed to Sidon. In all honesty, you weren't sure whether you had a crush on Sidon or Link, your other friend. Both were quite handsome and never ceased to make you smile.

"Hey, (Nm)!" A male voice calls out suddenly. You looked around for the source of the noise and found it coming from the River. It was Sidon!

"Hello, Sidon!" You replied in said manner.

"I didn't think I'd find you here. Are you heading to Zora's Domain? Link's there," He asked.

"Yeah. Did you not get my letter?" You said, thinking about why he wouldn't have gotten the mail.

He shakes his head. Hmm... Maybe it just hadn't arrived yet. But the mail system is fast. Strange.

"Anyway, d'you wanna perhaps catch a ride on my back to get to Zora's Domain faster?" He offered. Thinking of what could happen, you decide it's fine. Walking to the edge of the water, you grab a hold of Sidon's shoulders, who had come closer to the river bank.

Once you had a sturdy hold onto Sidon, he dived into the water, bringing you down with him. it was really fun riding up the waterfalls on his back, and ascending the final waterfall up to Zora's Domain.

It was such a beautiful place. The blue aura true luminescent rocks gave off, along with the colour coral-like bushes everywhere. Finally, there was all the water. The faint blues and purples that came from all around the Domain created a beautiful, underwater setting. You found it quite therapeutic. If anything, you've always loved the ocean and water.

"I never get tired of Zora's Domain," you said to no one in particular.

"I know, it's beautiful. Isn't it?" Sidon replied with his signature grin. "Anyway, why don't we let you down here," I jump off Sidon's back, as he said.

"(Nm)! I didn't expect to see you here," exclaimed a familiar, male voice from behind you. Turning around, you're greeted by Link, The hero of Hyrule.

"Hey, Link! I didn't know you'd be here. You visiting King Dorephan or Sidon?" Your eyes slipped across to Sidon, who was staring down at you with a big, goofy grin. You laughed slightly.

"I just thought I'd come by and visit Zora's Domain. After all, it's a very beautiful place, just like you," Link suddenly flirts out of no where.

You didn't pay much mind to it. He's probably just complimenting you, right? Setting aside your thoughts, you explore around the already familiar Domain. You walked with Sidon around Zora's Domain, him updating you on the things that have changed since you were last there. Apparently Gaddison was having a baby. You went to congratulate her, but while you were gone, Sidon noticed something odd about Link.

"Link? Is something the matter?" He asked, being quiet so you didn't hear from 15 meters away.

Link turned to look up at Sidon and sighed. "I'm going to put this out straight. I think you like (Nm). Am I correct?"

Sidon's faced flushed at the question. Of course he did. "Ahh... yes I do. You saw through me. However I think you share the mutual feeling,"

Link stared at you, talking to Gaddison out of earshot, and down at his feet, contemplating what he should say. "Y'know, I do. I do like (Nm)."

Sidon nodded his head. He thought so. His friend may now be his rival in getting the person he loved.

"I'm gonna beat ya to (Nm)." Link said suddenly as Sidon was deep in thought, breaking his concentration. Funny, Sidon was actually thinking of ways to get your attention first.

"We'll see." Sidon said. Looking down at his short, Hylian friend.

"Okay," Link replied back.

~~~~~Time Skip — 1 month~~~~~

"That's actually how I first came to the agreement with Sidon seeing who could win your heart first. And... well, I won," Link explained after you asked about Link and Sidon's relationship. You remembered that they used to be best friends, but now they haven't seen each other in a month. It seems like the last they saw each other was when you were at Zora's Domain a month ago.

"Have you two spoken at all since?" You asked, playing with your new boyfriend's hair.

Link sighs, looking down at his hands. "He always told be I had small hands,"

Hmm... you really do.

"Maybe you two should make up? I think it'd be better for everyone's relationship. C'mon," You tied Link's hair back into a bun.

"Aight. Fine. Your fault if he's all butthurt and everything though," Link blowed his bangs out of his face, looking off to the side like a grumpy teenager. He really only was 18, like you...

Travelling by Sheikah Slate because the two of you didn't feel like trekking mountains to get there for a day visit. Turning up at the shrine located within the Domain, you hear a welcome from the top of the stairs.

"(Nm)! Welcome back! How are yo—" Sidon stopped right in his tracks when he saw Link. Link sighed and looked to the side, avoiding Sidon's gaze.

"Link? It's been a while. How are you?" Sidon asked in a normal tone after a few awkward moments.

"You're not mad because I was passive-aggressive and didn't speak to you for a month?" Link finally blurted out.

"Mad? I wasn't mad. I was a little upset you didn't talk to me at all, but everyone makes mistakes," Sidon smiled. He still has his usual grin. Link visibly relaxed. He didn't realize he was tense.

"I'm still sorry for my dumb actions all because I won our stupid bet in winning (Nm)," Once again, Link looked down at his feet, shuffling them awkwardly.

"Apology forgiven," Sidon and Link shook hands, resolving any tension. After a long day of talking and wandering around with Sidon, you and Link headed back home.

"Don't you feel better now?" You said to Link. Things were cleared up now. Everyone was guilt free.

"Yeah," Link sighs contentedly, entering the two of your's house from the cold night air. You smiled in satisfaction knowing that things were good between everyone.

Just as you removed your boots from your feet, Link stopped you frozen with a kiss. Melting a little more into the kiss, you placed one hand behind his neck.

"I needed that." He grins.

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