Healer's Touch - Mipha

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Okay, I don't know if this will count as angst, but the reader dies. Just a warning?

Requested by druidofshadows

"Please Mipha," I rasp as she turns to leave. "Don't leave me... I'm lonely."

"I have to go back to Zora's Domain for Ruta," Mipha says in her usual, quiet voice. I can hear a hint in her voice that says she doesn't want to go. "But, I suppose that I could stay." Mipha turns back around sits down beside my head. Looks like I won her over.

"That nasty Lynel... I thought you were ready to take it on... Sadly I cannot train you stronger for now. This injury is too great." Mipha says sadly while stroking my blood crusted forehead.

"Can you not just heal it?" I ask her. An even more saddened expression rests on her beautiful face. "You can heal anything."

Mipha turns bright red at my comment.

"I wish I could, but I fear it would take too long before you lose more blood." She glances down at my stomach where the arrow had punctured. It's bleeding more and more as the minutes go by.

"Even a little bit for now?" I ask her quietly. Mipha thinks for a little bit and nods her head. She hovers her hand out above my wound as it starts to glow.

Each passing second, I begin to feel better. I look over at Mipha and she's concentrating hard. She looks over at me so I smile. Her eyes quickly dart back down to my wound and smiles awkwardly. She's so cute. I love her.

A few minutes pass and I feel marginally better. I feel warmer and the pain has died down a bit. But we didn't notice the Yiga clan member creep up behind us and strike Mipha.

She's knocked to the ground, defenceless. Her trident is back with Ruta. My instincts kick in and I launch myself at the Yiga clan member.

I unsheathe my sword from my side and launch it at the person. I missed. They jump out of the way and grab Mipha, holding a demon carver to her neck.

"Mipha!" I cry. Sword still in my hand, I rush at the Yiga person and make sure to strike them. The person sees me coming at them, so they drop her.


I knock over the Yiga clan member and bring up my sword. Right as I brought down the sword, that bastard (sorry if you don't like strong language) opened up my wound again. It hadn't finished healing...

Blood soaks my tunic, immediately making me lightheaded, cold and weak. I fall off the Yiga person, turning the table to their favour. They raise their Demon Carver and attempt to plunge it into my chest. But they failed to notice the sword I had in my hand. My sword is now impaling the Yiga clan members' side. 

It wasn't enough to kill them, but the person is badly injured. They teleport away, dropping their normal bananas and rupees. However, the loot isn't important right now. Mipha had managed to escape without a scratch, but me on the other hand...

Blood flows out of the wound in a steady stream. I collapse to the ground, coughing up more blood. My stupid body and it's natural reflexes, trying to kill myself faster. 

(Not really, I don't know why that happens. I'm not that smart...)

Mipha scrambles to my side, lifting my shirt up to reveal my stomach. A gaping red and black hole sits where my belly button would normally be. Well then. She gapes in horror at the atrocity that my abdomen is. 

"Your body is ruined..." She says under her breath. I tilt my head at her comment

(Sorry, I'm really subtle:))

"What do you mean?" I manage to choke up. Mipha looks down at me and her face turns as red as her scales. She's so cute and awkward. 

I sigh. I'm losing blood as the seconds go by, so I know there's no getting out of this.

"I lived a good life." I say with a small smile on my face. I'm going to die. A look of horror flashes over Mipha's face.

"No... No... You can't die on me," She thrusts out her hand and focuses hard. A blue light emits from her hand, starting to slowly heal me. But it's not enough. My wound is now worse than before. I know she can't do anything about it. 

I hold my hand out and cup Mipha's desperate face. I get to spend my last moments with the girl I love, so I'm happy.

"I never got to tell you how beautiful you are... How much I love you." I finally confess before letting my hand go limp. Mipha clutches to my hand as she tries even harder to heal me, even though she knows that she can't do anything. 

But that's when everything goes black.

A single tear rolls down Mipha's face, dropping onto my stomach, magically healing it completely. But that was after it was too late. Finally dropping my limp hand into her lap, she mutters under her breath, "I loved you too..."

Sorry if I hurt anyone's feels. Requests are open! 

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