Would he care? - Revali (Suicidal Reader)

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Requested by @GazTheWeirdo

Trigger warnings: suicide mention

Quick foreword:
It is possible to be brought back from the brink of suicide. I have met a person who's been through that, and I know it's possible. Please know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I of all people would know that.

"Hello?" I walk in to the house to find to no response. Is (Y/N) not here? I look around the deserted and cold room. A single candle lights the corner of the desk by the stairs. The warmth of the candle draws me forward. As I sit at the desk, a dusty and worn leather book catches my attention.

"(Y/N), are you here?" I call out from the desk. I thought that she'd be home by this time. Normally I'm the one out late doing side quests or training with the champions. Something draws me to read the book. I gingerly open the first page, careful not to damage the aged book. The old leather cracks as it moves. Half of the first pages were ripped out. It appears to be a journal.

Entry 122

All I could do was sit and watch him fall in love with another girl. Some fantasy ago, a childish dream ago, I believed that I could stand a chance with someone like him. But that was when I had no idea what love could do. But all I know now is that it brings me pain.

It all started with those eyes. We were completing a quest that was we had gotten. A request to retrieve a Hylian boy's sister. When the girl first emerged from the tower she was held in, Revali's eyes lit up light a flame in oxygen for the first time. The same with hers. It was almost love at first sight. Something I envied from him.

He said something along the lines of:
"I was sent to rescue you. I take it you are Cana?" He asked with kind tones to his voice. How I wish they were for me.
"Y-yes, that is me. Thank you so much for rescuing me," she smiled shyly. Her eyes land on mine, and a worried and slightly disgusted look creeps onto her face. "Who is this with you?"

Revali looked back at me and gestured to me. There was no one else there, so who else could she be referring to, I still wonder?

"That's (Y/N). She's an excellent friend,"

Who knew how such a positive word could have such a deep impact on one. His gentle and loving eyes when talking to Cana were ones that he never had with me. And it was that that caused me to fall even deeper in love with someone I thought I had a chance with.

(Y/N)? What is she talking about?

I continue leaf the paper to the next page, careful not to rip it. More entries were pulled out.

Entry 143

They've gotten even closer, so any impossible chances I might have thought I could have gotten are completely gone. Void. Revali forgets about me. He doesn't notice it when I walk into a room like he used to before she came along. It hurts to watch them sit so close together. It hurts to watch them grow closer. It hurts...

I've tried asking what he thinks of her. The answer has always been the same, "We're just friends. Nothing more than that," but I know they're lies. The way he smiles and laughs around her. The way he cries around her when they share their worries. I used to be like this, but only so much as a friend. The love in both of their eyes is obvious. I can't help but feel I'm not needed anymore.

Today I tried asking Cana what she thinks of him. It was nothing compared to what I thought she was going to say. I was expecting "I might be in love with him", or "He's so amazing, but he's just a friend,". But not what she said to me.

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