Love Triangle - Zelda and Link

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(This'll have a Link ending and a Zelda ending based on whomever you choose. I personally couldn't decide because I love the both of them :))

This isn't Zelink. I mean, kinda. Polyamorous ending?

Requested by @AnimeLovero-o

(After Calamity)

"Finally, did you know that the Guardian's weakest point is their eye, based on a minor design flaw the Sheikah had 10,000 years ago?" Zelda says to me excitedly.

"Have you done any other research?" I ask her.

"Currently no, but as soon as we get Hyrule a bit more built again, we will get the Guardians running again and we can study them!"

Zelda is so cute when she's excited. I've known her and Link for about a year and a half. I remember talking to a man in Hateno village. He was "checking out the ladies". Not me though. The man said that the princess was actually really beautiful, enough to compete with his crush. (And he's right. Zelda is beautiful) He also mentioned another person before. One that he told those details to before I came along. He said he wished he looked like him. And that he was as confident as him. He's clearly talking about Link. (Link too is handsome... let's be honest.)

I am caught up in a dilemma with whom I have a crush on. I like the both of them. On another level. I wouldn't expect that they'd like a simple lost soldier like me. I'm not as smart as Zelda, or as strong as Link. I don't know who to chose.

A few hours later after studying with Zelda, Link came along. He waves at me with a small smile.

"Hey Link!" I call to him. He's got such a nice smile.

"Hey (Nm)," He says. "Where are you off to?"

"I was just heading down to the Guard's chambers to train a bit. I was hoping I could maybe ask Zelda if I could join the Royal Guard once I'm a better fighter. She said she needs more people in the Royal Guard. Perhaps you could help me a little bit?" I ask him.

"Of course! I don't have anything better to do, and Zelda's currently busy. She wants to be alone anyway. Let's go then." He finishes.

Once we're in the Guard's chamber, I pick up a sword and shield and wait for Link's command.

We clash with each other a few times. I actually managed to get past his guard a few times, although he pretty much killed me. Link launches at me, knocking me off balance.

Aaaaaand... Whoops there goes my balance.
I fall backwards on my butt. Eugh, it hurts.

"You okay?" Link asks, putting down his sword to help me up.

I take his warm hand. "I'm alright. Even more when I got yo hand." I didn't say that last part though. After we clean up a little bit, Link gives me feedback on my fighting.

"You've definitely gotten better. Maybe if you fall a little less, you'll be able to join the Royal Guard!" Link laughs.

I like his laugh. He sounds like a 14 year old even though he's pretty much and adult.

We spar for a little while longer. The Guard's chamber is made of stone, so it's nice and cool. Eventually Zelda comes down the stairs and addresses us.

"Nice sparring, (Nm)! You're nearly as good as Link!" She exclaims.

"Thank you, princess." I lean into a deep bow.

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