Cheating - Link

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Requested by @TotalFangirl244

(After Ganon)

Link has finally come home after such a long day. Ever since he defeated Ganon, Link has disappeared to Hyrule Castle more and more as the days go by. I understand that he is helping Zelda rebuild the Kingdom from the ruins it is in now, but can't he at least tell me what he's doing.

"Where were you? I missed you..." I ask him as he removes his boots from his feet.

"You did? I missed you too." He says emotionlessly. He's been acting like this towards me ever since he started attending to the princess more and more. He could just be tired, but this all seems a bit too much for a bunch of strange signs.

"Did you actually miss me? That sounded kind of superficial." I pry from Link.

"I really did," Link kisses me on the forehead. "I'm sorry, but I'm just getting more and more tired these days. The work the princess is putting on me is getting extremely stressful."

Link saunters off to his bed, yawning up the stairs. I guess that excuse works for now. I'll have to wait and see if my theory is correct. Just be patient, (Nm).

*Time Skip to next evening.*

Finally, Link comes home again. It's even later tonight. This isn't good... As Link routinely takes off his boots and changes into his night clothes, I suddenly notice bruises... Bruises all over his body. Fresh bruises from today. They're small and dark.

My anxious mind immediately jumps to conclusions.

"Link... What are those bruises on you?" I ask quietly, worry swirling inside my gut.

"These?" He points to the bruises along his sides, hips, neck and arms. He could tell from the worried look on my face that that was what I am talking about. "Them... Zelda wants to learn archery. The best target was me, seeing as no one else would volunteer. They're not scratches because the arrow tips were dulled down so she didn't accidentally kill me or anything. I didn't think you'd be very happy at me or the princess if she killed me."

I sigh. It's all I can do. These excuses are so far fetched.

"I'm going to bed now. I'll just sleep on the couch." I say over my shoulder as I leave the room. I didn't notice Link's worried expression.

*Another Time Skip to next evening.*

I swear to Hylia, if Link comes home with anymore strange excuses, I don't know what I'll do. And almost as if on cue, Link calls out:

"(Nm)! I'm home."

I walk down to greet him, hoping that I'm not going to find anything else on him. When I see Link, there's more fresh bruises along his neck and even scratches. This just fills me with even more worry and rage.

"Link. Those... bruises. There's scratches now. Please, tell me the truth as to what you're doing..." I plead. I want to know the truth.

"The scratches... Zelda... the bruises... Zelda... coming home late... Zelda." He mutters under his breath.

It's just as I thought. Link is cheating on me... I never thought he would, but here he is. The honest yet brutal truth.

"At least I got the truth." I say before storming off in a hot mess of emotions. As though by instinct, I run to Link's room. As though by instinct, I mash my face into the bed. As though by instinct, I wrap myself in the covers and cry. When I wasn't even Link's significant other, I would always come here and cry when I needed to let it

If he didn't love me anymore, why couldn't he just have told me. It would have been easier than being cheated on. That coward. Can't even tell the truth...

I just bawl my eyes out until there's nothing left. I still can't believe that he would do that...

I sit under Link's covers, sniffling in the scent of the sheets. It reminds me of when we would just curl up together and read something. I sit in fetal position under the covers until I feel sleepy. Once I actually start to drift off, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I poke my head out from the covers to find Link sitting at the end of the bed, his hand resting on my shoulder. He's not looking at me. He's looking at the floor.

"You could have just told me..." I mutter as Link looks at me.

"If you'd just give me time to explain... I could fix this mess." He says quietly.

"Fine, then. Explain." I cough.

"You know that I was and am the appointed knight to Zelda, so that makes me quite busy at her side. She relies on me for quite a few things, thus making me stay later and making me work harder, which is why I'm so tired at the end of the day."

That explains the tiredness. "What about the bruises and scratches?"

"I was getting to that. So, I said that Zelda wants to learn archery. She saw me do it while training some new knights. This inspired her to learn archery herself. All the targets were being used, and there weren't any proper targets for her to try and hit. With dulled down arrows, I let her try and shoot me. Her accuracy isn't great—she's only beginning—so that's why it's gotten all over me. I must admit, I don't like it myself. Today she wanted to use slightly sharper arrows, explaining the scratches. It's beyond me why she wanted to do that, though,"

(I actually ran out of ideas as to why she would want to shoot Link with slightly dulled arrows.)

"So, I'm not cheating on you for Zelda. I never could. I've just had so much work that I haven't been able to show that I really do love you."

That makes me blush a bit. He never ceases to make me blush like that.

"Do you mind if I sleep next to you tonight?" He asks quietly.

"Alright. Just don't do anything weird." I laugh.

And with that, I found out that Link isn't actually cheating on me. 

yeah nah that's bullshit. he's actually cheating on you for beedle, as we all know is OTP canon yaoi ship.

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