Good Job - Revali

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Requested by ThisNameIshTakenz

Trigger warning: There's some 'swearing' it's nothing worse than shit though

"The exercise for the next few days will be surviving in a harsh environment. Everyone will be sent to places that are the opposites of their regular elements. So this isn't too hard on you, you shall grouped in pairs. Daruk and Urbosa, you will have to survive in the Hebra mountains. Link and Mipha, you will have to survive the Thunderous Plateau. Finally, Revali and (Nm) shall survive together in the desert. You will know when the exercise is finished when I send a messenger bird out to reach everyone." Zelda tells all the champions.

Everyone nods and groups up with their respectful partner. But why did Zelda put me with Revali?! He's the most stuck up Rito I've ever known. 

I cast a cold glance over at Revali, in which he immediately cocks his head up to the sky in ignorance towards me. Was he looking at me? Doesn't matter anyway.

I walk over to Zelda who was turned around.

"Excuse me, Princess. With utmost respect, why did you pair me with Revali?" I inquire from the princess.

"Oh? Ah (Nm), this exercise is also to bring the two pairs closer. It is also a team building exercise. I am aware that you and Revali don't exactly mix well, but if you're going to survive the extremities of the desert, you will have to set those differences aside and work together." Zelda simply smiles. 

(Zelda low key ships ships (Nm) and Revali)

Alright, so that's outta the way. Time to head off to the desert with Revali...

"We have to go to the desert now." I tell Revali bluntly. 

"Alright. See you there." He says with a sly tone. Suddenly he mockingly waves and then takes off.

"YOU BASTARD!! I CAN'T GET THERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN. WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER OR SOME CRAP!" I shout to Revali. He looks down at me, hovers there for a bit and rolls his eyes.

He descends back down to the ground. 

"Get on my back." He mumbles. So I do. I grip onto his shoulders. His feathers are actually quite soft. As we fly away from the ceremonial ground, which is where we were before we dispersed, Revali's little braids whip in my face.

"Don't touch those." He shouts back to me, voice drowned out by the wind. 

"They were hitting me in the face!" I nearly scream back at him. I really want to punch him in the eye right now.

By the end of the day, we reached the Great Plateau where we stopped for a rest. We continued to the desert. We finally reached it by midnight. 

"Looks like we're here." He says. Honestly, I really don't like this guy. We're sitting on top of the left spectacle of spectacle rock. It's really cold out. I think it has dropped down to the negatives. Revali is fine, however, I'm shivering.

"Yo. I'm shivering here. Make a fire." I grunt at him.

Revali does his usual response of rolling his eyes but pulls out the wood. After a few tries of starting the fire, he finally gets it.

"Took ya long enough." I mumble under my breath. 

"I heard that." Revali replies. Like I care.

We sit in front of the fire for Hylia knows how long. Once it's finally morning, we get down from the small plateau and head down the path. 

We finally reach the desert when Revali says something under his breath. 

"What did you say?" I ask him. 

"I said I'm sorry for being a bit of a jerk sometimes." Sometimes is an understatement, but at least he's 'apologising'.

"Apology accepted, I guess." I mumble back to him. 

*Time Skip brought to you by Revali's salt*

The sun is now setting. It's about the middle of nowhere and I'm currently arguing with Revali.

"I swear to Hylia, you can't just keep running off like that! I can't fly! I WAS NEARLY SWALLOWED ALIVE BY A MOLDUGA!" I shout at Revali who is pretty much being a salt mine about fighting with me.

"I FLEW UP TO GET A BETTER ANGLE TO SHOOT IT AT!" He yells back, flailing his hands in the air.


"You know what, screw this all. I'm leaving." Revali snaps. "Don't bother finding me for help when a Lynel comes." Then he takes off without even looking at me.

I swear, that bastard.

*Time Skip brought to you by Sidon's accent*

It's been an hour, and Revali hasn't turned around to come back or anything. Not that I won't him to or anything. I'm scratching around in the sand near the graveyard of columns, trying to see if there is maybe any other swords from fallen soldiers. I need a new sword shortly. 

All of a sudden, a large roar rings through the cold desert air. 

My head whips around to see the beady red eyes of a Silver Lynel. My stomach drops at the sight of it. 

"Shit..." I mutter under my breath. It's already seen me because it's roared at me. Oh my goddess.....

The Lynel charges at me with it's huge sword. I manage to dodge it and land some hits on it. We continue like this until I am exhausted. I can barely move. The Lynel is nearly finished, but it's still going...

It rears up on it's hind legs, but I manage to shoot it in the head with an arrow, finishing it. 

I've never fought a Silver Lynel before... My vision starts to blur. My head feels thick, and then everything goes black.

A strong smell awakes me from my unconscious state. It smells like... a fire. I open my eyes a bit and attempt to sit up, but my ribs sing arcs of pain through my body. But I sit up anyway. Once my blurry eyes come into focus, I see Revali sitting in front of the fire, simply staring at it with a blank expression.

"Revali?" I say quietly.

He looks over at me.

"You're awake. How're you feeling?" He asks.

"I think my ribs might be broken. I'll see Mipha once this exercise is finished." 

Revali looks back at the fire.

"It's already finished. It finished about 2 days ago." He says blankly.

Shit... Sounds like I've been out for a while. 

"How long has it been since you found me?" I ask. 

"4 days. You've been knocked out since that fight you had with the Lynel. I saw you passed out on the ground in front of a dead Lynel. Good job on killing it anyway."


And then with that, we've been quite close ever since. 


Zelda told me that part of the reason she paired Revali and I up was because she told me she shipped us.

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