Gone - Sidon

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Requested by dancypants22

Sorry the image is really off what the topic is

 HHhhhhh guys I said not to swamp me with requests and now I have like 15 ;-; sorry if then end up being sorta short. I don't have a lot to work with for some of them 'ovo

Another normal day went by in the Domain. Every here and there, another guard returns to the domain with reports of higher rank enemies girting upland Zorana, but the king simply brushed it off. The large, blue Zora thought nothing of it, as there have been many Lizalfos sightings in his time around there, but his son, the prince of the Zora, Sidon, thought otherwise. Late one evening, it occured to him that potentially, he could go on a scout and see the higher rank Lizalfos around the uplands. He mentions his plan to his closest friend, (Y/N).

"I've been thinking recently that I could go on some sort of stealth mission to the locations mentioned by the guards. There was one Zora—Bazz—that claimed to have seen a Silver Lizalfos..." He mutters quietly to her. (If that's not you, pretend it's your pronoun ;-;) Him being so close, his breath makes her shiver the tiniest bit.

(Y/N)'s mouth parts slightly in surprise. I'm a pretty good fighter, but I'm not sure if I could deal with a Silver. I've heard rumours that they drop amazing loot, though...

"I'll come with you. It's better that there's the two of us, and it'll be better if one of us gets injured. That way we could go and get help."

"Sounds like a good plan. I do believe that I'd be defying my father's wish, but this is for the better of the people," He nods his head and makes a determined gesture with his hands.

(Y/N) nods her head in agreement. (Y/N) is a bit of a special case, because she's not a Zora, yet she lives in Zora's domain. She's been raised by the Zora with Sidon as her closest friend. They just seemed very compatible in such a sense. (Y/N) doesn't know what happened to her parents, or why they left her at Zora's Domain, but she's here now, and this is her home. Even if she's not exactly the same species as everyone else, they welcome her like a fellow Zora.

"What time were you thinking of going?" She asks, tucking a few loose strands of (H/C) hair behind her ear. Sidon realizes that he hasn't actually thought of a time that he was going to go.

"I think now. It'd be better to get it done, and this could potentially be a looming threat," He says, matter-of-factly. It always makes (Y/N) laugh whenever he talks like this.

"Alright then. We'll go up now," (Y/N) finishes laughing and composes herself to be more serious. They're about to go on an important mission that has the risk of the Zora's safety.

The pair quickly leave the Domain and wind up the grassy path to one of the waterfalls. At the base, (Y/N) makes sure her weapon is firmly attached to her back/waist. Doing this, it reminds Sidon to secure his rapier. The bright moon reflects on the water and on the silver rapier that Sidon holds in his hands. He squints slightly at how bright it is.

"I definitely have my rapier," He says. (Y/N) says an okay, while Sidon turns around and kneels down, gesturing for her to get onto his back. "Climb onto my back and I'll swim up the waterfall. My sister Mipha did something similar to this with me."

Without hesitation at the big, red Zora, (Y/N) jumps onto Sidon's back and latches her hands onto his shoulders. Once she's securely on, she adjusts herself so that she won't fall when Sidon stands up. She curls her legs around his back and stuffs her head in the crook of his shoulder so the spray from the waterfall won't get in her eyes. To (Y/N)'s unawareness, a light blush dusted Sidon's cheeks. He smiles at how precious she can act sometimes.

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