I'M A HYLIAN! - Sidon

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Requested by sarahatsune1

(After Ganon)

"Eugh... I seriously don't feel well." Sidon grunts.

"Stop moving so much then. Do you remember how you got this sickness? Or at least when you started feeling like this?" I ask the sweating Zora.

(I don't know if they sweat, but since he's sick and a bit sore, he's sweating.)

"I was—swimming down the Zora river—when I saw something—shiny. I picked it up and then—I immediately felt really—weird." He says between coughs.

"What did this thing look like?" I ask. 

"It was a blue pendant. It was in the shape of a water drop," He sputters. "It's over there." Sidon points to the little blue jewel sitting across the room.

I carefully inspect the pendant. I know what this thing does... Ohhh gosh. Any minute now, Sidon could turn into a weird Hylian-Zora hybrid.

I explain that the pendant is an ancient relic thought lost for decades. When a Zora or a Hylian finds it, it turns them into a hybrid of the other species. Sometimes it's only for the day, then other times it's for their whole life!

Sidon just looks at me dumbfounded. 

"So I'm gonna turn into some sorta Zora, Hylian hybrid thing and I could live like this for the rest of my life?" He asks.


Sidon looks as if he's still working this all out in his head.


More silence.

"WOAH! THAT COULD BE SO COOL! You know, ever since I met Link, I've wanted to try being a Hylian, then I met you. I want to be even half Hylian even more." He says with his signature toothy grin. At least he's enthusiastic about what could happen.

But his comment makes me slightly awkward. I try not to over think it. Over thinking doesn't get one anywhere—except when making conspiracy theories. 

I stay at Sidon's side all night, watching to make sure something doesn't suddenly happen. All night he's been fine. Nothing bad really. Except of course, when I nodded off. I woke up to Sidon suddenly screeching. 


"I'M A HYLIAN! OHMIGODDESS." Sidon continues screeching. 

Woah. He looks really good. Apparently the hybrids between the species can be really terrifying, but Sidon looks normal. Where his normally white scales are have turned into porcelain flesh. His red scales remained the same, but instead has become petrified into natural armour. His large head fin is now scarlet red hair. It looks really soft. Little Hylian ears finally sprout from his head. They're the same porcelain white as his other flesh. His amber eyes still remain the same, along with his pointy teeth. 

He immediately sits up. He's still really tall. The blanket falls off his torso to reveal his abdomen. 





I feel a little bit of blood drip out of my nose down my flushed face. 

"STAY THERE. YOU WON'T HAVE ANY CLOTHES. I'LL GO GET SOME!" I shout while running out of the room, leaving Sidon supposedly naked under the blanket. 

He at least needs pants... 

For some reason, I had a spare pair of pants, so Sidon can borrow them. 

I throw them at him. 

"PUT THEM ON!" I yell from behind my hands. I hear shuffling. Sidon says he's finished. Finally I relax. 

"Maybe we can get you a shirt..." I mutter. 

Sidon inspects his new body. My theory of him still being quite tall is correct. He lifts up his arms to reveal his gills. They're still there. 

"Awesome! I can still breath under water," He says. He doesn't have any fins anymore though. "However, I feel much shorter." 

I try and change the subject. "What do you think the other Zoras will do when they see your new—uhh—form?" 

Sidon looks at me inquisitively. "I didn't think of that. The Zoras are quite understanding however, so they would probably just brush it off." 

I hope so. 

*Time Skip brought to you by King Dorephan saying "Whaaaat?"*

"Sidon! What happened to you?!" King Dorephan booms as Sidon explains the situation. 

"...So, (Nm) has been helping me." He finishes.

"(Nm), I thank you for aiding Sidon in this... issue... he has encountered. Unfortunately, I do not know whether he would be fit for ruling the Zoras as a halfbreed. Please understand this Sidon, but a Zora of pure Zora blood must rule the Zoras. I'm sad to say that this means you cannot be king..." The Zora king explains.

Sidon looks a bit disappointed. 

"I understand father. But I shall forever be a proud Zora, even if I am now part Hylian." He addresses his dad.

"Thank you for understanding, my son... (Nm)." King Dorephan saying my name makes me jump. 

"Yes, your highness?" I respond. 

"Please take care of my son for me. You seem to know what could become of him. If you do, the Zoras shall be in your debt." Woah.. Okay..

"Uh—I thank you for the offer. I would gladly help Sidon as he adjusts, but you needn't treat this as a royal favour." I reply. 

"As you wish then. Sidon, you can now be under (Nm)'s care." The king finishes.

"Thank you father." Sidon bows. I do too. 

*Last time skip!*

"Woah! I've never tasted cooked fish before! It tastes really good!" Sidon exclaims as he tries my dish. "Can you teach me to cook?" He asks, making these adorable large eyes.

"Sure. As a Hylian you get to eat some more things. You also might get hungrier quicker." 

"That's okay. I like to eat anyway." His smile is so cute, oh my goddess. 

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