Swimming - Sidon (Zora Reader)

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Requested by Stephanie_Pluto26

Alright, I'm installing a new rule that I ain't gonna take the request until I have something good to work with. I want to make sure that it's something you guys want and that it is somewhat according to what you want. Plus I also suck at trying to come up with scenarios.


"Oh, (Y/N)!" Prince Sidon calls my name from the water below the great Zora bridge.

I peer over the side to find the small red blob waving at me. I smile even though he can't see it.

"I'm coming!" I shout back down at him. I know it's against the rules to jump off the bridge and into the water below solely for the sake of a swim, but there are no guards here, and I'm only going with Sidon. I clamber slightly inelegantly, ironically seeing as I'm a Zora with a reputation of being somewhat graceful. Once I'm fully up, I quickly leap off and twist around in the air, letting the wind brush past my gills and fins. Diving is really quite the exhilarating experience. Even though it's a fancy version of falling into water, it's still really fun. Halfway down I get the idea of what some Hylians do sometimes. A canon ball. I tuck my short legs into my chest and scream "CANONBALL!" as the Hylian children did.

I come into contact with the water. A large splash billows up around me, most likely spraying the prince.

"You need to work on your dives, silly. The splash is too big," Sidon laughs, covering his eyes from remaining spray.

"Meh. It's called a canonball. It's super fun! You need to try it." I swim around on my back in circles.

"C'mon, (Y/N). People always say you're so 'graceful', but with me you're such a mess," Sidon continues to laugh. I love making my friends laugh.

"Aww, alright. But you don't need to see me being all like Muzu." I splash his face.

"Pfft, whatever. Let's swim up some waterfalls!" Sidon promptly grabs my hand in the water and drags me along at almost breakneck speed. He's always been a really fast swimmer.

"Woah! What are you doing?!" I screech as we crash out of the top of a waterfall and pretty much fly down the front of it.

"That was such fun, was it not?" Sidon let's go of my hand.

"Lemme take you at breakneck speeds." Turning around with his hand in mine, I charge up the waterfall with the big Zora hanging onto my hand.

At the top, we both ascend into the air. Everything seems to happen in slow motion, as he comes closer to me and... I wouldn't exactly count it as a kiss, but his lips brushed against mine. I can't tell if it was an accident, but it was over as fast at it happened. Falling back down into the water, I land headfirst in the water. The cool water feels nice because of how hot I suddenly became due to his little action at the top of the waterfall.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Sidon asks as my head bobs up to the surface. "Your face is completely (blue/red/whatever colour Zoras blush)."

"Well... perhaps because you pretty much just kissed me..." I mutter under my breath. MY LIPS ARE VIRGIN. I keep the last part to myself.

"Oh did I, really?" He asks with a smug tone to his voice. I know he's messing with me. "I didn't think that would really count. Does this, however?" 

Sidon pulls me in against his chest and holds my face under my chin with his free hand. His lips melt into mine and we simply sit there like that for a bit. 

"wHaT wAs ThAt?!" I pretty much screech in shock after my sense come back to me. 

"That was a kiss," He says innocently.

All that comes out of my mouth is a bit of a wheeze. I can pretty much see my soul flying out of my mouth as it hangs open. 

"It's because I'm in love with you, (Y/N)." He gently holds my hand and brings it up to his cheek so it's cupping his face. He holds it there as he speaks. 

My face just heats up like a firework. He's in love with me? I'm just a random Zora girl. I'm not even in the Prince Sidon fan club! 

"I surrender," I sigh, smiling. "I think I'm in love with you too." 

"AHA! I knew it!" He laughs with an accomplished grin. I just roll my eyes and laugh at him. Suddenly, my stomach grumbles. What great timing, stomach. Just had to kill the moment. 

"You know, I kind of feel like eating some fish right now," I say, looking into the water looking for some fish. To my disappointment, there weren't any I could see. Sidon saw an opportunity from my comment and took it.

"There's always me," He winks. I splash him with water as my face continues to profusely heat up.



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