Not Dead Yet - Link

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Link and I are in the Lodrum Headland, sent to defeat the Silver Lynel that is supposedly a ruthless killer. It was a quest from a small child who lost their father to this Lynel. He wants to know that his father will rest in peace, that the killer has been avenged. Apparently, this Lynel doesn't let anyone that passes escape alive. But I helped Link defeat Ganon, so this should be a piece of monstrous cake. (Pun)

I have seen Lynels before, but I've never properly fought one. Link has fought some. He says they're hard, but they can be taken down, so I'm not too worried about this. Link and I equip our weapons and put on our best armour. I look over at Link to see him pull out his Lynel mask. He takes the Lynel stance. I chuckle at his goofiness, because who can honestly take that seriously? My boyfriend gives me a small peck on the cheek for good luck. Then in his Lynel mask, he runs out into the field where the Lynel resides.

While Link is distracting the Lynel, I quickly and quietly run up and around the Lynel to it's back. Crouching down low, I sneak up to it. I unsheathe my sword and jump. The Lynel is immediately startled, thus throwing me off. I managed to get a few hits in, at least. Link calls to me to see if I'm okay.

"I'm good!" I reply. I pick myself up from the ground and join Link in beating the living hell out of the Lynel. It suddenly pulls out a massive club. I've seen Link come home with one of these. They're one of—if not, the most—dangerous weapon a Lynel can have. With one mighty swing, Link's body is knocked off his feet, and sent flying across the field, smacking into a tree. I see him pick himself up from the floor, but coughing up blood while doing so. He's badly hurt. Link ignores his obvious pain and charges again at the Lynel. I snap out of trance of worry and charge at the Lynel too. 

The Lynel looks surprised for a second, but simply rearing onto it's back legs and slamming down the club. This brings out a huge explosion of fire. Link and I both knocked back. This Lynel is too hard for us. Quickly darting out of the meadow, we decide that we'll train up, get stronger and then defeat it. 

(I actually faced a Lynel with a Lynel Club, and it nearly beat the crap out of me. It was honestly slightly harder than Ganon damage-wise. I did kill it without dying, though.)

The Lynel knew we were escaping. 

The Lynel draws it's bow.

It slowly pulls back.

The arrows are sent flying. 

I can feel an arrow graze my cheek. Any inch over, and I would have been done for. But it wasn't me that yelled out in pain.

I look over at Link, and he's been struck in the back by an arrow. A shock arrow. Link writhes around on the ground in pain. Electricity only pulses through him. His screams echo through the deserted woods. The Lynel lowers it's bow. It knows that it doesn't need to keep fighting. 

Once the electricity stops shocking Link, I help him up and we quickly hurry away to the cave between Lodrum Headland and Talus Plateau. I rest Link down against the wall. He starts to cough up blood. Retching up blood to his side, he inspects his wound. 

"I didn't think I'd get this hurt from a Lynel. To think I've killed so many before..." Link coughed, trying to get up.

"No," I say while pushing him down. "You are not getting up."

Under my slight pressure that I put on him, Link backs down, slumping down on the wall of the cave. He continues to hack and cough, each time looking weaker and more drained.

"We need to get you to see a doctor. There are no people around for kilometers, and the nearest place is Zora's Domain, but we won't be able to reach that in time. The Sheikah Slate will only take you... It looks like I'm going to look after you." Panic rises in my chest seeing that Link is slowly losing blood from his wound. 

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