Just Cuddle Me, Please - Revali

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Requested by Evonacht

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 42K READS!!! I never thought I would get to 42K this quick (just over a week ago we were at 41K)ヽ(í▽ì )ノヽ(í▽ì )ノヽ(í▽ì )ノヽ(í▽ì )ノヽ(í▽ì )ノ

I sit quietly on the couch, just waiting for Revali to come home after a while. It's been a couple days since he left for a mission, and today is the day he should be coming home. From outside the little house, a pretty obnoxious crash rings through the air.

    "Gah!" A familiar voice shudders. "Hylia damn this goddess-forsaken rain," the voice spits, cursing at the rain. I laugh because I know exactly who it is. It's my cranky, champion Boyfriend. The door slams open, revealing the soaked Rito man.

    "Curséd Link. This rain is his fault. I bet he wanted it to rain today," Revali grumbles under his breath as he saunters into the room. I can't help but laugh at the cranky, drenched Rito. He ruffles his wet feathers and shakes off the water like a dog, spraying me slightly.

    "Oi, you're getting me wet with your rain!" I laugh as he finishes after doing a shake like a dog.

That sorta thing

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That sorta thing.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"Heh, it's fine. It's good to have you back though. How about you get out of your armour and change into some comfy clothes." I get up and a thick shirt for him.

"That would be quite nice." Revali removes his chest plate and changes into the shirt I threw at him, which he wasn't expecting.

"Oh, come on, (Y/N). Don't be so cruel to me," he complains, smiling slightly at the end of his sentence.

"I'm so mean, I must be Ganon!" I mock him after plopping down on the couch next to him.

"Alright, what do you have planned? You look suspicious like you're about to tell me a very bad joke," he says, turning on his side to face me.

"I'm not doing anything, I'm just smiling because you're being so cute right now," I smile at him, poking his feathered arm.

"I'm tired, (Y/N). I just want to cuddle you." Revali droops his arm around my shoulder and tiredly pulls me in to him.

He inhales and sighs deeply, probably cursing the rain in his mind.

"You're always so different when you're tired. You're not a little pretentious prick with people you like," I chuckle to myself.

"Pardon, but I'm only like that with Link," Revali mumbles while sticking his head in the crook of my neck. "He gets all the attention. You know that. He gets to take Ganon head on, but I'm stuck on the side lines, piloting Medoh."

"Revali, you're a better archer than he'll ever be. You know that,"

"(Y/N), please. You're making me blush," He stuffs his head deeper into my neck. "I'm lucky I have feathers to cover it." Revali closes his eyes and exhales.

"Alright, Mr. Amazing-Rito-Archer. I think you're tired. Should we put you to bed?"

"No," he says like a stubborn two year old throwing a tantrum. "Just cuddle with me, please..."

"Alright, alright..." I smile at the dorky Rito Champion.

"You're my Champion, you know. I wouldn't ask for anyone better. You shot your arrow straight through my heart," I say, adjusting myself to be closer to Revali.

"Oh, stop it, you." Revali places a little kiss on my forehead. We just sit there, in front of the fire, cuddling.

I couldn't be happier.

Sorry it's so short/rushed. I wrote this at midnight. HHHHH I GOT MORE REQUESTS. Y'all, I said they be closed, not open lmao.


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