Why so shy? - Revali

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Requested by SayukiLucina

(Before Ganon) 

By the way, instead of shy, the reader might come off as introverted, just sayin'. I do know that being shy and introverted are two different things. I'm an introvert myself.

This is the first time I've ever been to Rito Village. I'm normally quite shy and secluded, so I don't really talk to people. I decided that I will travel around and maybe meet some new people so I can actually come out of my shell slightly. I am shy, but I'm still proud of it.

When I walk across the final bridge, I am greeted by the Rito guards. They are people of few words, and simply welcome me. My kinda people. I walked around and up the swirling staircase that structures the whole village. I met some kind people. They told me where to go to find some food, where the Inn is and the best sights in town. By one particular Rito, I was told to go and check out Revali's landing. He also said the view from it is breathtaking. 

I go up to where he said Revali's landing would be. Standing on the edge of the landing pad, I look down at the lake below. It's pretty much bottomless. The view really is quite spectacular.

Turning back around, I am suddenly cast underneath a huge shadow. Looking up to see what would be the creator of that shadow, I am greeted by a gigantic, stone bird. It flies with the utmost ease. All of a sudden, it stops moving around. From it, a tiny figure emerges. It looks like a person. Maybe a Rito, or even a tall Hylian. Suddenly, the figure dives down off the edge of the platform and glide. It is definitely a Rito. Hylians can't glide. 

(Yet lol)

About 10 seconds later, the figure spots me. It is a male Rito, adorned with an intricate bow and blue sash. I am currently standing in front of the Rito champion, Revali. I've heard things about him. Apparently he is a bit of a cow to people he doesn't like and cocky, but extremely skilled at what he does. I'm not sure how to take him. I decide that my social battery has died for today, and that I can turn into the Inn, but the Rito Champion decided otherwise.

He held out his wing to stop me.

"Just where do you think you're going? I saw you looking at me. Is there something you need?" Revali says in a tone that screams sly.

"Um...  I—I don't.. really want to talk right now... I'm.. tired." I say awkwardly, attempting to save myself an unwanted conversation. 

"No, no you're not really. Why don't we talk for a little bit, why don't we?" He holds his hand to his 'chin'. (Bird men don't exactly have chins.) With this, he pulls me to the side and we sit on the ledge of the landing. 

"So, what brings you to this place?" He asks. I hate small talk. I'd rather talk about bigger things, or something useful if that's the case. I just don't really like talking in general.

"Umm... I wanted to travel the world..." I say. I really want to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Why? Why do you want to travel the world?" Revali pries. This guy won't stop. I explain to him my situation in hopefully getting to know a couple more people, but still being the same. 

"Why so shy?" He asks. 

Seriously, can't he figure out that I'm just like this. I sigh.

"You know, I guess you are pretty tired. I can tell that you want to get going, so I'll let you go. By the way, you're quite cute. Maybe I can see you tomorrow?" His second last comment threw me off guard a long way.

My face turns a crimson red, but I try and keep myself together. 

I nod, wave goodbye and walk down to the Inn. I was barely able to keep my composure! What's his deal!

We just met and he's already flirting with me... 

But this could be the step in the right direction... 

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