Heart of the Hero - Link

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I hate her. My adversary, Ravenna and I have been competing with one another for maybe about 2 months. I've lost track of the time. Today, we've both been butting heads trying to get Link to notice us. We're both good friends with him, but we're trying to get his attention in a different way. We are trying to get the attention of his heart, as both of us have deep feelings for him. (well, I do. I'm pretty sure she's just horny for him because he's a hero.)

I used to be best friends with Ravenna until I told her that I like Link as well. That tore us apart. Rather than having it as a friendly competition, Ravenna decided to take it as a matter of life and death. I knew she always had a bit of a dramatic side, but I wasn't expecting her to react like that. She is always flirting with Link, trying to bad mouth me and sell herself better than she actually is. One time she tried to seduce him, but Link was more or less oblivious. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger friendzone than that. I only try to get closer to him in a genuine way. That way I could hopefully tell him my feelings with more confidence. I'm not expecting to end up with Link, though. He'll probably fall for another woman.

Rather than just sitting around, moping and feeling sorry for myself, I get myself ready for a day trip. Link proposed that he Ravenna and I could all go on a small outing to the Faron region. I've never been there myself, but I've heard it's really pretty. I meet up with Link and Ravenna at the gates of Hateno Village. 

I see Ravenna wearing tight clothes, trying to get close to Link. Link's slightly uncomfortable. Jeez, can't she just leave the poor guy alone?

"Hey. You guys ready to head off?" Link asks, practically oblivious that Ravenna is nearly licking his upperarm.

"Liiink... I don't know how to ride horses... Can I ride your horse with you?" Ravenna complains in a sultry voice. 

"Okay." Link says brightly. He looks at me as if asking if I know how to ride a horse.

I nod my head in reply. 

We all mount the horses. Link helps Ravenna up onto the back of the saddle, and not in the way she expected. Link picked her up bridle style, and set her gently on the horse. He looked at her lovingly all while he did. That's not a good sign... Ravenna's winning.

I just roll my eyes, trying to cover the fact that I'm getting anxious that Link may be falling for Ravenna. I take the lead so I don't have to look at them. My horse can lead us, because he knows the paths of Hyrule. (H/N) is very smart in that way. 

We ride in silence for the next hour until we reach the Lakeside Stable. It's a beautiful, but humid jungle. I take off my hood that I had on. Link and Ravenna pull up just behind me. Link jumps off and sighs. He looks annoyed, but he goes back to Ravenna and helps her down. She acts all innocent and sweet. I overhear her trying to small talk with Link.

"My, Link... You look very handsome today." and "Ohh... have you heard about (Nm)... She's been off with Bokoblins again. I heard she's also dating Briscoe, only to get to Jaylin. That cheating pig..." Link looks over at me with that one. 

When Ravenna goes inside the stable for a bit, Link told her she would join her in a minute. He walks over to me with a concerned face.

"(Nm), Ravenna told me... that you're dating Briscoe?" He asked me quietly. 

"Briscoe? Who's that agai—oh... no, I'm not dating him." I reply to him.

"She also told me that you're only using him to get to Jaylin... is that true?" He asks again, looking up at me.

I feel my stomach fume with anger. 

"No. I'm not dating anyone, and Jaylin doesn't even live in the village. I'm single, and if I was dating someone, I wouldn't cheat on them. I'm not that kind of person... You know that, Link. Please don't believe what she says." 

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