Leave Her Alone - Mipha

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Requested by Ly3nne

Also sorry for the shit title. I couldn't think of one

Oof I get a request done and then three more fill it's place lol.

Blatantly advertising my instagram page link.trash. You may or may not have seen it if you have it. Also when I was writing this, I realized that the Lynel on Polymous Mountain might be over 100 years ago. (Not related, I was just thinking of potential scenarios)

(P/H) stands for Preferred Honorific (means like Ma'am, Lord, Sir...)

"Oi. Oi, (Y/N). Wake up, ya idiot. We're going to Zora's domain today,"

"Why ain't (pronoun) waking up?"



Cold water pours over my face, shocking me and making up practically jump out of my bed. I'm in my (F/C) pyjamas that are now soaked thanks to the two douchey guards I'm assigned. I'd say it's more like babysitting, though.

"Some royal guard you are," One knight named Merv grumps.

"Shut up and respect your higher ranks. You better be glad I don't have my sword with me..." I grumble the last part under my breath.

"Pfft, whatever. The princess says we leave in an hour. She says we're meeting with the Zora King. Apparently his daughter is gonna be there. What's 'er name again?" Merv says to the other knight, Haluk. (No, not Daruk)

"Mipha. Yeah, she's a real great healer. She once healed my wounds. It's also real easy to make the girl blush," the first knight snickers with a perverted smile. The other also laughs in the same manner.

"You two are disgusting. No way in hell am I going to bring you two today,"

"You sure? We wanna go with the princess. There'll be so many girls. Zelda, Mipha, all the hot Zora chicks..." the two guards start laughing in their usual perverted way. I bring my hand back behind my head and slap them across their faces. I don't want them talking about Mipha in that sort of way. She's way too good for the likes of these clowns. They're lucky they're wearing helmets, or I would have hurt them even more. The thought crosses my mind that this could be some good field work and learning some discipline for the two toddler equivalent guards.

"If you really want to come, you better be on your best behaviour. No talking to anyone unless someone approaches you first. You're so repulsive, that you'd most likely be asked to move away," I say, standing up to my full height which is unfortunately shorter than those two men.

"Now leave me to change. Those are orders from your superior!" I raise my voice so the two actually listen for once.

"Okay, fine... But you better be ready to go with the princess. She'll be waiting in her study with Link,"

"Alright, fine. Tell her I'll be there shortly. Don't try anything stupid with her or you'll get it from Link and I," I threaten, because I can tell from the looks on their faces they were planning something slightly lewd to the poor princess.

"Take your tiiiime," Haluk slurs as he and Merv leave the room. God, I can't believe those two. I really want to report them, but I keep catching them before they commit the act, so I have no proof for the King. Sighing and sitting back down on the bed, I change out of my drenched pyjamas and into my Royal Knights' gear. Before placing my cap on my head, I wring out my hair that is wet from when they poured water on my head. I adjust my (H/C) so it's smooth and brush my bangs (if you have them) forward.

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