Love You Better - Sidon

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Requested by JesusWontHelpYouNow

Yandere Sidon (o o f)

HOOYAG!! As Kilton would say. We've reached 9K. Didn't see this coming that quick. Oh my... NEXT STOP: 10K STATION Y'ALL. Out of context: I also got a Sheikah Hoodie!! I pretty much live in it.

This is an AU where Link gets murdered after defeating Ganon. Sorry Link. Also the reader is half Zora, Half Hylian. Similar to the description of what Sidon looked like in I'M A HYLIAN!

"So, how was your day?" Link asks as we walk around the Zora's Domain.

"It was actually pretty good. I heard Zelda's got you working over time." I giggle.(BAHAHAHAHAHA.)

"Ohh man. You could say that again," He replies. "Anyway, what's it like being half Hylian and half Zora?"

"Hmm... I've never really paid much attention to that. While the Zora are nice to me, there's still a bit of tension. Same with Hylians. When I'm with them, they're still nice but a little awkward. Besides that, I'm much more resistant to electricity and I can swim and breath under water really well." I explain. Link nods his head along, not interrupting me. He's good that way, because I can talk to him about anything on my mind. He won't interrupt nor will he mention it to anyone else.

I just have one problem... I'm kinda in love with Link. I've told Sidon, my other best friend about my feelings for Link, and he says he supports it. I guess I can confess to Link then...

"Link.. there's something I want to talk to you about." I say to him, a bit quietly than before.

"Can you tell me here?" He asks.

"I'd prefer not to..."

"Alright. Do you want me to meet you anywhere?"

I decide Ralis pond is a nice place. Ever since he killed the Hinox there, it's been my favourite spot to be. "At sunset... there's less people out and about."

And with that, we part ways.

~~~~~Time Skip to Sundown~~~~~

Walking towards the direction of Ralis pond, I have my hands clasped behind my back. I have my head down, trying to compose myself. Ooh man. This could be a real turning point in my life...

Around Dagah Keek Shrine, I hear a scream. It's a familiar voice... Link?!

I sprint as fast as I can towards his voice. Oh goddesses... I hope this is just some mean prank... But to my horror, I find but a puddle of blood. It's red blood... Hylian? A sudden realization hits me. What if this is Link's blood?! I follow the trail of blood that seems to have been dragged. It eventually starts to thin, but a stench grows stronger.

I come to find Link's body, dead, hidden in the curve of two rocks. He's covered loosely in leaves, a feeble attempt in covering whoever did something like this. He was wearing his usual blue tunic, but it's almost unrecognizable because of all the blood leaked from his wound, located in side. Inspecting him a little closer, there are also claw marks along his neck. Why would anyone do this...?

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

"What I just don't get is why anyone would do this...." I choke out to Sidon, the person I told first. Something seems a little bit off about Sidon. I'm not exactly sure what it is though. He's more skittish than normal.

"I'm so sorry that had to happen..." he says, rubbing circle on my back. Each time I notice him getting closer, I only shuffle away in response. His response wasn't as sympathetic as I thought he would have.

"But you deserve someone better than him... someone like me." Sidon says out of nowhere. He grabs the back of my neck and kisses me. There's a particular desperateness and darkness to it. I feel no connection. It's not right. Alarmed, I push Sidon away.

"Sidon... I'm sorry but I don't consider you like that, besides. Where did that come from?" I say meekly, as I'm still slightly in shock from seeing Link like that. I'm slow to process things.

"Can you not see it, (Nm)? I can love you better than him. I love you more than he ever could. He would only see you as a misfit. He could never love a misfit, but I could." Sidon grabs my hand in his tight grip. I try and pull away. Looking down at his hands, I notice they're... bloody. His nails are stained red. Remembering back to Link, he had deep claw marks along his neck. Sidon couldn't have... could he? He's been really off today. Skittish. His nails are bloody. He's acting crazy....

"Y—you killed Link, didn't you?" I stutter out.

Sidon's eyes narrow. "For none other than you." A menacing grin spreads across his face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shout, and shove him out of the way. Before I can run anywhere, Sidon once again grab my hand and pulls me tight into his clasp. Covering my mouth with his hand, he chokes his hand around my neck (Shaddup ya nasty.) in such a way that makes me feel dizzy and lightheaded.

"Clearly you won't love me if I try like that. I'll have to try a different approach." He mumbles, the last thing I hear.

~~~~~Time Skip — 1 Month~~~~~

(Nm) had been pronounced dead a week after s/he was was kidnapped. She actually thought wrong, as everyone in the Domain loved h(er/im) for who s/he was. From what he could tell, Sidon was successful in having (Nm) fall for him, unaccountable to the fact that s/he was originally in love with the now dead hero. Sidon more or less got his goal, for his obsession too wanted him.  But that's what he thought. (Nm) didn't want him. It was all a ruse.

O O F. This was weird to write. I feel bad for killing Link and then making Sidon all crazy. Mipha wouldn't approve.

Update: November 2, 10:55PM. I was re-reading this and I realized I have a song that has the lyric along the lines of "Love you better" (It's actually 'treat you better')

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