Champions - Urbosa

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Requested by Skypaya


You are the Hylian Champion in this story. In this version, Zelda's appointed knight and the Hylian Champion are different. You're the Hylian champ and Link is just Zelda's knight. Please don't go crapping around in the comments. This time, they're different things. Okay? Okay, resume story.

— Pre Ganon —

Different guards swing around at the set up training dummies in the cold, stone room. Beads of sweat drip down the side of my face, underneath my metal helmet. Which is highly non-breathable, I must add. I need to complain to my squad captain about the armour when training again. I continue to slash away at the dummy with a blunt sword, each time a little bit of stuffing coming out with it. My hits are definitely getting more precise. 

I put down my sword for a break and let the next guard take a swing at the dummy. Walking up the stairs into the main hallways of Hyrule castle, I sit on the landing where there aren't too many people here and there. The sound of heals walking towards the Guard's Quarters grabs my attention.

I'm not too interested in who it is, because it's most likely just a maid taking a short cut through the Guard's Quarters to get outside, so I don't lift my head up. 

"Hmm... The training looks like it has picked up a bit. But who could be a suitable candidate?"  a familiar voice mumbles to itself. My ears perk up at the voice. That's the voice of Urbosa, the Gerudo Champion. The person that I secretly idolize for swordsmanship. Not to mention having lightning powers and being super cool, all at the same time. I've never properly met her, but I've seen her around. 

"Good morning, Lady Urbosa. If you don't mind me asking, what are you looking for?" I get up and stand to attention in the presence of someone much more important than me. 

Urbosa's ears perk up in my direction. She turns around to face me. I stare directly into her bright green eyes. My face heats up because this is the first time I've ever spoken to a Champion, let alone pretty much my idol. 

"Ah, sav'aaq," She says. "I'm looking for a potential candidate to be the Hylian Champion. We've been assigned from the princess to find a Hylian knight in the castle that stands out to us," She turns back around to resume watching the other guards training with a watchful eye. She continues to mutter something under her breath, but just shakes her head. 

"Is there anywhere else you could look? Do you think I could help?" I offer, more quietly than intended. But I'm still kind of glad, in case she didn't hear. 

"Y'know, why don't you come with me," she gives me a side smile and gestures to follow her. I have to punch myself in the arm to remind myself that I'm awake, and I've been asked to go with the Gerudo Champion herself as potentially the next Hylian Champion. But she didn't even see me fight with a sword?

"Wouldn't you want to see me with a sword or something first?" I ask, but to my surprise, Urbosa says that she's already seen me with a sword and heard about me from my squad captain. 

"Let's get a move on. We don't want to be late," Urbosa winks. Ooh man.

*Time skip 5 months*

My mind wanders between different thoughts as I hang up my armor and dust out my clothes. There are three other people that were selected to be a candidate, each chosen by one Champion. I had gotten to know the Champions much better, and they say that I'm all of their personal favourites. Particularly Urbosa; seeing as she chose me. Speaking of her, I think I've... kinda grown feelings for her.

"(Y/N), it is official!" The Champions kick open the door to the Guard's Chambers. The other guards in the room look up from their beds. 

"You're the new Hylian Champion! The princess has decided it's you," Daruk cries. He almost literally has tears in his eyes. The sudden barrage of all the different people crowding me in my room overwhelms a bit to say the least. Once everyone finishes congratulating me, Urbosa finally comes to the front and offere to help continue my training with the scimitar. I gladly accept and the only thing she says is to meet her on Vah Naboris tomorrow after the feast. She said it in a mysterious tone, but I now know her well enough that I'm not in trouble with her in anyway. Typical of me, the whole time my face was slightly flushed. 

We go through the whole process of dubbing me the Hylian Champion and the feast. Afterwards, the sun still has yet to set. The days are getting longer in Hyrule, because summer is approaching. I ride to the desert, to Naboris, via horse. (H/N) is one of the fastest horses in the castle, and s/he is mine, so I got lucky with my horse. By the time I reach the desert, it's a little bit past sundown. Around about twilight time. 

The familiar cry of Naboris rings through the cooling desert, beckoning me in it's direction. It's so huge, it's hard to miss. (H/N) goes as close as s/he is comfortable to Naboris, leaving me to board the Divine Beast. Inside the Divine Beast, I find Urbosa waiting in the main cavern.

"I see you came. Vasaaq!" She smiles lightly. I love her smile. She's so badass but kind. 

"Of course I did, and sav'saaba," I smile back. She laughs at my use of her own language. She's been teaching me a little bit of it in our spare times when they're not training or doing Champion business. 

"C'mon, let's watch the rest of the sunset. Twilight in the desert is always beautiful," She gestures with her hand to follow her, in which I do. 

On the South-Western side of Naboris, we watch the final rays of the sun fall beneath the horizon, leaving the sky a deep shade of violet. The sunset has always been a personal favourite of mine. And to spend it with someone that I have such a crush on. 

"(Y/N), there's something I want to tell you," Urbosa turns to face me. She has something shiny in her hands. I tilt my head to the side in curiosity as to what it could be. (I can't really see because her hands are shielding it.)

"Yeah?" I reply quietly, trying to not gulp because I have no idea what is about to happen.

"We as Champions have a huge responsibility to bear together. I've gotten to know you better over the past while and I have to say, I like you even more that I thought I would," She starts. "I feel a connection that is more than simply friends. I don't know if you feel the same way too, but I want to tell you the way I feel. In short, I think I have feelings for you," 

My stomach does a flip, my hearts begins pounding like a hammer, and my face turns as red as Urbosa's hair. "Woah... what would happen if I said that I feel the same way?" 

Urbosa places the shiny that she had in her hands on my head. A diamond circlet that fits me perfectly.

"I made it myself. I hope you like it," She smiles.

"Are you kidding? I love it! Just like you," I reply, getting up to hug Urbosa from the back. As I do, I place a kiss on the cheek. 

"We shall bear the burden of the Champions together," 

"Together," I finish as the final ray of the sun sets.

Random fact about me: I looked up the proper definition of passive aggressive, and I discovered that I am the physical embodiment of passive aggression. The more you know

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