Help with Love - Sidon (Zora Reader)

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Edit: You are a Zora in this story. 

I've just travelled all over Hyrule. It was one of the best things I have ever done, but since I've discovered it all, I decided to return home. Return home to Zora's Domain

I walk up to the gates of Zora's Domain. I take a deep breath and walk through the arch. The Domain hasn't changed at all, other than the fact that the endless rain has finally stopped, thanks to Link. I met him once, but he didn't say anything. I wonder if he met Sidon, my childhood best friend?

Everyone welcomes me back with open arms as I walk through the gates. That's one thing I missed about the Zoras. Everyone is so friendly.

"We missed you, (Nm)!" Everyone cries. They all embrace me in a hug. The children worm their way around the other Zoras and pull at my leg.

"Welcome back, (Nm)!" Tula says.

"Can I have more of your famous Hearty Salmon Sashimi?" Lulu clutches on to my leg.

"Maybe later, silly." I say as Lulu lets me go.

After a few minutes, everyone returns back to their posts, or whatever they were doing before. The whole time I was waiting for Sidon to come... I was hoping he would be there. He did receive my letter saying I would be coming back to Zora's domain, right?

Almost immediately, I'm nearly knocked to the ground by a big, red and white blur. I open my eyes again to find Sidon wrapped around my back, hugging me like he hasn't seen me for 10 years. I was only gone for 2!

"Welcome back, (Nm)! I missed you so much..." He says, nearly crying. I turn around to face Sidon properly, and pull him into a tight hug. While Zora are normally quite tall, Sidon is massive. He's extremely tall, so when I hug him, my face is only in his chest.

But he's also quite toned. A lot more since I last saw him 2 years ago.

My eyes scan him, seeing how different he's gotten. He's grown about another 50 centimeters. His red scales are brighter than ever, and his amber eyes still have the same mischievous glint from 100 years ago.

I pull out of Sidon's chest, looking up at him. He turns a slight shade of red and looks off to the side. I just laugh at his awkwardness.

"You haven't changed at all," I laugh. "Still charismatic as ever, but underneath, you're still an awkward, bumbling fish." He blushes even more.

Sidon suddenly takes a deep breath and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Can you meet me at Veiled Falls at sundown?" He says, puffing his chest.

"Sure. How come?" I ask him.

"I'll tell you when you get there!" He finishes with his handsome smile.

Later that afternoon, I go to visit my grandfather, Trello. I tell him about what just happened and about Sidon.

Trello makes his signature noise and chuckles. "I see he hasn't told you yet, hey?" The old Zora grunts.

"Told me what...?" I reply.

"So naïve, so innocent," Trello laughs to himself. "You'll find out soon enough." Trello turns around and walks back up the stairs.

What does he mean by innocent and naïve? I guess I'm not the most knowledgable person when it comes to certain things, but that doesn't mean I'm innocent and naïve... (Neither am I implying that I'm dumb, either.) What could Trello be talking about? Does Sidon have something important to tell me that has to do with his princely duties. Or is something completely far fetched about love...? Does he perhaps want my help with another Zora, or is it me?!

I shake off that last thought, seeing that my childhood best friend—let alone Prince—could have feelings for me. I must admit, I've had fleeting crushes on him. They've come and gone about as fast as he can swim up a waterfall. (Which is fast, by the way)

I've been thinking about it recently, and I may or may not have gotten a larger crush on Sidon, even more so when I saw him again.

Before I knew it, the sun was beginning to set. I rush off to Veiled falls to find him standing anxiously, pacing in the water.

"Hey Sidon!" I call out to him. He was so lost in thought, I made him jump. Silly fish, still as skittish as he was as a child. I laugh at his awkwardness, making him blush a light shade of scarlet.

"O-Oh! Hey (Nm)!" He says, still recovering from his sudden shock.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I slide up closer to him. "You can tell me what you need to."

Sidon looks down at his feet, his hand on the back of his neck. "Umm... Oh goodness... So... There's someone that I am kind of... in love with."

I was right about it being to do with love. Thoughts race through my head as to who it could potentially be. My heart sinks at the idea that it was someone that I don't even know.

"Wh—who is it?" I manage to stutter out, my head and heart cluttered with random thoughts.

"How do I say this...? I've known this person for a long time. They were one of my best friends. One could say that they still are." Sidon says.

I check off a list of criteria as to who would meet his description...

I meet the criteria, sooooo...

That's when he says it.

"The person I'm in love with is... you, (Nm)." Sidon finally says.

"whaaaAAAAT?" Strong emotions flood through me. My face heats up all the way to the tip of my fin, turning me the same colour as Sidon.

"I...I understand if you don't..don't feel the same way." Sidon says, crestfallen. He turns and leaves me standing, dumbfounded in the same position. Before Sidon can walk out of reach, I grab his hand. When I hold it, I feel warm.

"I—I feel the same way. For real. I have to say, I've had small crushes on you countless times before I left. But this has been the longest, and the strongest. Prince Sidon, I love you." I confess, still holding Sidon's hand.

I didn't feel his grip, but his hand was clutching onto mine as if he was holding back immense emotions.

He faces me again, an adorable smile on his face. "I'm so glad..." A small tear pricks in his eye.

He pulls me into a hug and lifts me up by the waist. He's really gotten stronger.

"I love you, (Nm)." He says into the crook of my shoulder.

"I love you too, Sidon." I add before I plant a kiss on his lips.

His whole face turns into another shade of red. That bumbling, awkward fish.

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