Fish Feet - Sidon

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Requested by PapitoShiro


I'm currently sitting in Zora's Domain, waiting for Sidon. He told me he could teach me how to dance, seeing as he caught me dad dancing down by the Bank of Wishes. That was one thing that I wish didn't happen. (See what I did there >:))

All the Zoras are doing their normal thing, whether it be screaming "MAROT MART" right in my poor Hylian ear, or trying to poke Lady Mipha's statue. Suddenly, Sidon comes striding down the stairs. He looks as regal. In the back, I think I see Tula fangirling as she watches his butt. I just grimace at the thought of fish butt. 

Honestly, Sidon is pretty good looking, but I've friendzoned him. I'm not so sure if I want to date a fish man

"(Nm)! There you are! So sorry I had to keep you waiting. My father was just talking to me about when I should become king." He says in his usual peppy tone.

"That's great, Sidon!" I beam.

"Now, off to teach you how to dance," Sidon holds his hand out to me. "Follow me!" 

I take Sidon's hand as he helps me down from the railing. Still hand in hand, Sidon pulls me along as we go to Ralis Pond—which no longer has the Hinox. The scenery is quite beautiful around here, and no one actually comes around here. It's a nice and secluded area so people won't see me dad-dance. (Which is how Sidon described my dancing.)

At first, I just say myself on a rock while Sidon showed me a couple of different ball room dance moves, like the waltz and even the tango.

"Now, how about you come and try dancing with me?" Sidon gestures to join him.

"Here. I'll take your hand." He takes my hand in his.

"Now, I'll place my hand on your shoulder, and your's on my... how about you just leave your hand down for now." Sidon says awkwardly all of a sudden.

"What? Is it your gills?" I ask. Sidon immediately goes red.

"Umm... It's not anything like that," He stammers "But traditionally—

(Okay, this is a fantasy place that hasn't specified how to properly waltz, so let's say the shorter person places their hand on the person's hip just to keep the gender to be specified either way)

—the shorter person would place their hand on the taller person's hip. And uh, in this case, you are clearly the shorter person." He looks off to the side.

"I am aware of that. So. How—How many beats are there in a traditional waltz?" I ask him, trying to get him to focus.

"Ah, yes. There are normally 3," Sidon's face lights up. "Follow my steps."

We dance around in the shallow pond, eventually trying some interesting moves. Sidon tried spinning me around, but I accidentally stood on his feet. Then I nearly hit his gills. That made him squirm.

"Alright. You're making... progress," Sidon says while getting up after having me tripped him. "How about we just do a slow one for now?"

I nod my head in reply. Us both assuming position, I follow Sidon's lead. He pulls me slightly closer. I question his moves, but he tells me it would help with controlling my feet slightly, seeing as I am extremely clumsy when it comes to dancing. My face is nearly pressed right into his stomach, so I need to keep some distance between us.

I fall into rhythm with Sidon, so I don't notice my hand move to his gills.

That's when Sidon falls over.

He's on the ground, laughing his fins off.

I didn't know that Zoras were ticklish.

(I decided to change it from being something that makes the Zoras horny to something that just tickles them. This is fluff. Not smut :))

I poke his gills again, sending him into another fit of giggles. He has such a nice laugh. I go to poke him again because seeing him on the ground like this is just so funny. He attempts to bat me away while still crippled over with laughs. When he does manage to hit me away, him being much bigger than me, would also mean he's stronger. I'm knocked off balance, and trip over a root that was sitting under the water. This sends me forward, crashing down on top of Sidon.

"D'oh god. Sorry about that." I mutter as I get off him. Another slippery thing was under my foot, causing me to slip and fall on my butt. 

Once Sidon actually calms down, he helps me up. 

"I swear. You're slipping all over the place like a fish!" He laughs. "How about I call you fish feet?"

"Hey! Then I get to call you fish face!" I retort. 


Even a year later, we joke about that now.

It's up to your imagination as to what happens a year later. :)

Now, off to write the next request.

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