p r e a m b l e

973 61 10

               A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

                       [ 18 / 7 / 2018 ]

Loveless is currently undergoing a rebirth and whilst rewriting and revising it, I realized that amidst the passé cheesy lines and somewhat cringe-worthy romantic scenes, it was more than just another erotic love story.

Loveless subtly shed light on objectification and obsession in relationships, the dangers of long-term misplaced loyalty, decade long begrudgement, perseverance in the midst emotional storms, inner strength, pure friendship, self-reflection, self realization, and most of all - the ultimate and undeniable healing power of love, erotic or otherwise.
                   E P I G R A P H


there will be moments when
you will bloom fully and then wilt, only to bloom again.
if we can learn anything from flowers, it is that resilience is born even when we feel like we are dying”
                                              - Neon Soul
                     R A N K I N G S

Ranked #86 in heat out of 402 stories.

Ranked #921 in passion out of 3.17K stories.

Ranked #766 in friendship out of 18.4K stories.

Ranked #374 in relationships out of 5.59K stories.

Ranked #263 in passion out of 2.52K stories.

Ranked #48 in heat out of 291 stories.
                    T I M E L I N E

November 23, 2016 - June 30, 2017

( •A vast amount of intervals and breaks and writer's blocks are situated inbetween this time range)

               E X P E C T A T I O N S

🏴 Eroticism

🏳 Aggression

🏴 Windy Plot

🏳  Love

🏴Juxtaposition Of The Past and The Present

🏳 A Dash Of Cliché and Humor

         I M P O R T A N T  N O T I C E

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LOVELESS has sixty chapters not just one, as has been misconstrued by a vast amount of readers.

For ease and comfort, I will suggest you download the Wattpad app 🚩so you can scroll fluidly from chapter to chapter (!OFFLINE¡)

Pardon any errors or typos. They will be attended to in due time.

Have a thrilling time✨🍟


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