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No matter how much haram you have fallen matter how many clubs you've walked into,no matter how much alcohol you've consumed,no matter how much drugs you've taken,no matter how much pornography you've watched,it doesn't matter how many women you've slept with,doesn't matter how much riba (usury) you've indulged in,doesn't matter how much gambling you've wasted your life and money on.

It doesn't matter how much wrong and sin you've can always change,repent and come back to Allah.Don't let the sin of yesturday,determine the goodness and future of today and tomorrow.
Don't let you're past dictate your future.Its not about where you've been,rather its about where you're at and where you're heading.My brothers and sisters come back to Allah and repent.Allah will always always forgive you,if you're sincere in your repentance.your chances are always there,hope is always there but not only am I asking you to repent,rather I want you to repent and to be the best that you can be.change my brothers and sisters and become the best that you can be.

You know you can be a much better person,don't allow your past to stop you from this.wallahi our history is rich with examples of those people who were the worst.but then they change and became the best of one of our great scholars,malik ibn dinar who was an alcoholic,he was a theif,a man that used to rob and harm people.he changed,he repented, he became the best at what he did.Malcolm x,only in our recent history.the worst of past.this is a man that was a thug,he was an alcoholic.this is a man that spent many years in prison.but he changed,he repented and became the best at what he did.he became a man that inspired others to be the best.
You know why do we fall?why do we make mistakes?
To learn how to pick ourselfs back up and to move forward.
You cannot appreciate light unless you've tasted darkness.
You cannot appreciate health until you've tasted sickness.
You cannot appreciate strength until you've tasted weakness.
You can turn around,you can make the past be a driving force to make you move forward and never to fall back into that lifestyle ever again.

Move forward my brothers and sisters,the month of Ramadan is here and Allah is calling every single one of us run.
My brothers and sisters Allah says:-
My slave,if you come to me a hand span,I come to you an arms length.My slave, if you come to me walking,I come to you running.Just come to me.Go to Allah my brothers and sisters,Make that change in your life.Make this Ramadan the beginning of permanent change in your life.Be the best that you can be,because it's in you.Don't let the past get the better of you.

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