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Now I bring you to the story,that really moves my heart the most. He is a man,who was poor,not only was he poor. He was a person who was very unattractive. In fact ,the ulama (scholars) or the sahabas used to describe him as hideous. If a person looks at him,just wants to look away so this man Allah created him this way. Poor,no status in society and hideous and even his name was ugly. We are not meant to say that sahabas are ugly ( I seek refuge in Allah). They are beautiful,but the name that he had was an unattractive name. His name was julaybeeb (R).
This hadith is in sahih Muslim and part of it is in also,at-tirmidhi which is completely authentic.
Rasulullahi (saw) saw julaybeeb one day and he had grown older in age. He said to him how are you? O julaybeeb. That was such the case of rasulullahi (saw). How are you o julaybeeb? Julaybeeb said,ya rasul Allah (saw) Do you think the only women I will get is in jannah hoor-al-ayn (women of paradise) insha Allah? Rasulullahi (saw) understood what he is trying to say. He is never going to be able to get married in this life. Is he just gonna die and just hope to meet hoor-al-ayn. Rasulullahi (saw) said no you are going to get a women from dunya insha Allah and also from the akhirah.
In other words I would have said no hoor-at-tyn and hoor-al-ayn insha Allah. Hoor-at-tyn means soil. Rasulullahi (saw) said o julaybeeb go to so and so house and ask they have a daughter. He went and they rejected him. So rasulullahi (saw) came to this man and said to him. I want to ask for your daughters hand. He said allahu Akbar rasulullahi (saw), what beautiful news this is that makes the eyes enlighten the heart,subhanallah. Rasulullahi said no no its not for me. He said who for then? He  Said for julaybeeb (R) ands suddenly his smile turned into a frown and he said let me ask her mother.
He went home and said rasulullahi (saw) has asked for our daughter. She said allahu Akbar what great honour what brings comfort to the eyes and to the heart and he said,no no not foir rasulullah (saw). She said who for? He said for julaybeeb. Then the mother said subhanallah we had better man than him coming and asking for our daughter and rejected him. We had greater families asking for her, and we refused them. Now the lowest of the low in society and the most hideous, we have to give our daughter to him? No no please. There daughter was in the background inside listening so she came out and said, what is this that I hear mom and dad? Rasulullahi (saw) is on behalf of another man proposing that man to me and you say no to rasul Allah (saw) wallahi I will not refuse the request of rasul Allah (saw) and julaybeeb is the only man I will marry. Allahu Akbar!
When the news came to julaybeeb, he was rejoiceful mashallah and rasulullahi (saw) got the companions to look after him and donate so that he can get married.
Time passed and there was one of the battles then julaybeeb was among the people who went into that battle. Rasulullahi (saw) was there and the battle handled was victorious to the Muslims. Then he went out as he usually does and looks among the sahabas. There were great sahabas who had died and he's asking,everybody's asking ,where's my uncle? Where's my brother? Where's my son? Where's my so and so?but rasulullahi (saw) was asking one question where is my julaybeeb? And everybody would say we don't know o rasul Allah (saw). Nobody cares about julaybeeb only rasulullahi (saw) cares about julaybeeb. Where is my julaybeeb? I don't know ya Rasul Allah (saw) and they will say o rasul Allah (saw) have you seen ma uncle? He said no but have you seen ma julaybeeb? They say no no we don't know anything about him so he went looking for him,and a midst the dead people he finally found julaybeeb (R). Dead on the ground, and around him as a circle, there was seven of the enemies dead around him.
Rasulullahi (saw) when he saw this image. He stared at him and his eyes flowed with tears. He said he killed seven of the enemies of Islam and then he was killed. Julaybeeb is of me and I of him. Julaybeeb is of me ,and he repeated it three times. Julaybeeb is of me, he's one of my family and I'm one of his family. Then julaybeeb had no other bed except the bed of the palms of rasul Allah (saw). Rasulullahi (saw) carried on his own forearms and he was crying then suddenly his crying turned into a smile and he looked away. Rasulullahi (saw) went and buried julaybeeb with his own blessed hands.
They asked ya rasul Allah (saw) why were you crying and then you were smiling and looked away? He said I was crying for the loss of my dear family member julaybeeb. No one cared about him but me. Then Allah showed me his place in jannah I saw his soul in jannah and there was one of his wives from the hoor-al-ayn running towards him so I smiled that he finally got his wife which he wanted in jannah and as she was running the heel of her leg showed so I turned away, I have no right to look at the wife of julaybeeb.

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