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It is reported that Abu bakr al miski was once asked,"we always find a good odor emanating from you why or how?" He asnswered,"by Allah,for years now I have not used any perfume,but the reason for the good smell has to do with an ordeal that I had.a women once tricked me into entering her home.then she closed and locked the door behind her,after which she began to seduce me.I became utterly bewildered as to what I should do,for I had no options before me.I said to her,'I need to make wudhu'.she ordered her servant to take me to the bathroom,and when I entered it,I took feces in my hand and wiped it all over my body.then I returned to her in that state.shocked to see me like that,the women ordered that I leave her home.I left and immediately took a shower. That very night I had a dream;in it,it was said to me,"you have done that which no one else has ever done. I will make your smell good and pure in this world and in the hereafter." When i woke up,the smell of perfume was emanating from my body,and it has continued to emanate from my body ever since."(Al-muwa'ith wal-majalis)

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