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Ustadh-Majed mahmoud

The prophet (saw) he was sitting with the sahaba and all of a sudden he says now a man from jannah is about to enter. All of the sahaba,every single one of them immediately rotated their head,looked at the door who was that man? Abdullah ibn amr al-as (RA) and look at this detail he says the man that walked in,his beard was wet,look at how much they focused because they truly want jannah and he grabbed his slippers with his left hand.allahiu Akbar! And he placed his slippers on the shelve.
Second day the prophet (saw) out of nowhere all of a sudden he said "now a man from jannah is about to enter" everybody looked again,they were not bored!! They want to know who's that man? What differences does he do,what is that he does that gave him that rank,they all looked.
The third day prophet (saw) saw now a man who is promised paradise is about to enter that man doesn't know that prophet (saw) was saying about him. It was the same man the first,second and third day. Abdullah ibn amr al-as (RA) he couldn't handle this anymore. He went to him he said I have a problem my father,we had a fight with my father and I told him I will not speak to you for three,would you mind if you host me for three night? The man said sure,let's go. All abdullah want is to go check out this guys life,what it is that he does that Allah made the prophet (saw) know he has this rank and he is still alive.
He went to the house and he was monitoring every single step and I will not exaggerate if I say every single blink,I will plrobe it to you. Abdullah says when he was sleeping that man when he would wake up in the middle of the night. What does that mean? Did abdullah sleep?nuh. He was waiting he said when he would wake up in the middle of night. He would say allahu Akbar and dhikr Allah (remembrance of Allah) but he would not step up and pray qiyam ul layl ,pray the night prayers. Until he would go back to sleep until he prayed fajr.
Abdullah says I spent three nights with him, I was not just to be OK with what he does,rather I was about to be little with what he does,it was so little compared to what we do. Abudullah went to the man and said yo be honest with you, I have no dispute between me and my father rather, it was the prophet (saw) who said the three consecutive days that a man from jannah will walk and you were the same person every single day that's why I came to monitor and I couldn't find anything special about you, sorry to say that. So do you know what made you have this rank?do you know? The man said, as you have seen,that's all what I do.
Abdullah ibn amr,a little painful moment. I couldnt find anything special. He's walking outside the door and then the other man calls oh and I'll an,oh abdullah,hold on,hold on!! I think I know and I'll an rushed huh what's it? He said throughout his day,he makes sure before the day is ending that I empty my heart from any jealousy,grudge,hate,envy and I'll feelings in my heart is emptied,I forgive everyone then I continue with my day. Abdullah ibn amr says this is it,thats why Allah gave you that rank because of this and then he says this is what we cannot handle,very tough but we gonna work on it as much as possible. For forgiving others he was promised paradise while still being alive.

My brothers and sisters forgive everyone before you sleep. For forgiving others he was promised paradise. :-O

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