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Ustadh-Mufti Menk

We also accept the taqdir (fate/pre-destiny) that Allah has chosen for us thats what makes us different. We have to accept it,but we don't blame taqdir for our failure. We don't blame pre-destiny and the decree of Allah for our failure. If I was lazy and I did not work hard and then I failed, I need to have a little bit of the blame.
You know sometimes you have people they tell you " Make dua that I get married". You know you make dua I've a daughter,make dua Allah gets her married and they don't give you the other side owe of the story that you had proposal,after proposal,after proposal,after proposal but whatever allah sent to your door,you just kicked it just kicked out.if you have a reason to oppose this decline,no problem you may,but for no reason you don't have that so you make such a big blunder by turning away what Allah sent,now and its late. You saying subhanallah,you know make dua,make day. But Allah says I sent you so much but you threw it back what should I do now,allahu Akbar! Sometimes we blame taqdir but it was my taqdir.
Allah says,hang on you are also to blame like a man who came at the time of umar ibn al khattab (R). He had stolen and they wanted to cut his hand. He says hang on,hang on O amir al mu'minin, I believe in pre destiny and it was destine that I was going to steal,so how can you cut my hand,because it was destine already written next to my name. Intelligent! But amir al mu'minin was one up even more intelligent, he says oh! He tells the jallad (executioner).
You know what go ahead with this execution or do whatever you have to because it was predestined that we were going to cut his hand as well,look at that. it was predestined that we were going to cut his hand as well. You wanna play games or we can tell the reality. This is why we say,Allah sends you a lot we turn it away, we are to blame as well. But don't make it depressive because you can always pickup from a lesson such as today's.

You can always pick up make tawbah to Allah and start afresh. Go again,try don't make the same foolish mistakes as the past. May Allah (swt) bless us,may he open our doors. So like i said don't blame destiny for your failure but when things have happened to you. Where you've tried your best and still it was out of your hands and so on and something has occurred, you will surrender to the decree of allah. You've been for every form of chemotherapy,every form of cure. You've tried this and you've tried that,still you're suffering and now you're in your last. May allah grant us all goodness in jannah. You need to embrace the fact that I'm going to meet my Allah and I hope in his mercy because if I were to ask you. Are you going to enter paradise through your deeds or through the mercy of Allah? The correct answer is only and solely through the mercy of Allah (swt). So have hope in the mercy of Allah. So that's why I said one thing that makes her different is she believes firmly that Allah loves her. Allah loves her.

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