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Allah,the almighty,creator of this universe,knows everything about his creation.No one else knows the future,even prophet muhammad (saw).Allah says:
And with him are the keys of the unseen;none knows them except him (surah an'am 6:59)
Allah instructed his messenger to tell the people:
Say,I hold not for myself [the power of]benefit or harm,except what Allah has willed. And if i knew the unseen,I could have acquired much wealth,and no harm would have touched me.
(Surah aa'raf 7:188)
Allah says further:
Say,"none in the heavens or the earth knows the unseen except Allah."(surah nahl 27:65)
However there are some people who claim knowldge of the unseen and of the future.they are known as fortunetellers,soothsayers,palmists,astrologists,etc., and claim to reveal the unseen and predict the future.

Islam strongly opposes fortunetelling and similar practices,as well as association with the practitioner of this prohibited art.rasulullah (saw) said:
"Whoever goes to a fortune teller asking him about something,his prayers will not be accepted [by Allah] for forty days".(Muslim)
And the prophet (saw) said:"whoever goes to a soothsayer or fortune teller and believes what he says has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad (saw)."(Ahmad)
This prohibition is further confirmed by another hadith,when a sahabi asked:"o messenger of allah,there are some among us who visits oracles."rasulullah (saw) said:"Do not go to them".(Muslim)
Therefore,all the various methods used around the world by fortunetellers,astrologers,soothsayers and the like,are forbidden in Islam.

A Muslim cannot claim knowledge of the unseen. AMuslim should not advertise on behalf of those who claim the knowledge of future or unseen.

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