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Ustadh-Mufti Menk and Nouman Ali

I dont have bias against any particular culture or genre of music,etc etc. I have strong objections to music per se,but I will show you what i am convinced of. I think nowadays,music is probably one of the easiest means to lose your moral sense. Music is audio pornography,that's what it is. Its explicit,its shameless,its takes your sense of humanity away from you. It makes you look at women as objects,worse than objects,worse than animals just assets. And this people are talking about women like they are talking about an animal,really. It objectifies women specially I have noticed a lot of brothers that I know of Muslim.
Do you know the only simple response I have to that? If you have any regard for the book of allah (swt),that you really think its from allah (swt). Even the name,the mention,the word for something bad is terrible once you have faith. Even the mention of something terrible ,is horrible for you and its harmful for you after you have faith. You have to have a clean tongue.
" Tell my slaves to say that which is the best."
Say what is the best,say good things from your this is the first thing. When you say horrible say things that are in direct contradiction to the moral gauge that allah (swt) gifted us with. Then obviously, you are deviating from your natural are predispositioned to turn to Allah (swt).
And when you constantly listen to garbage like that then you get deviated.

You don't find pleasure except in disobedience to Allah (swt) and that is a sign of sick one has to distance themselves from this. This is the first step.and I'll tell you,this is my personal measured,this is not a fatawah.ita my personal analysis,you don't have to take it.but if a person finds a listening to the Quran annoying.after thy've been listening to hip hop for a long time. As soon as  somebody puts Quran on in the car you know what they say? Hey man turn that off,I just wanna talk. And immediately they get a little annoyed when they hear quran. That actually means the iblees (Satan) have taken over.they are constantly making whispers to this person.because what Do the Satan hates the most?they hate the Quran,they hate the word of allah,they flee it hurts them. So you know what they do?coz this person has let satan into his heart. They start pinching at his heart when he hears Quran and he says ah I dont wanna hear this.its like surgery, its like pulling a tooth for this person,this happens.when you try to give this person a reminder from allah(set) word,they get annoyed by it. Like agitated,like allergic reaction why?because they have let the satan in.
To let them out,the first thing you got to do is,stop supplying them with fuel. This is fuel,this useless wasting of time. This is fuel for satan,they love that you waste your time. They love it.
Because the one asset,the one piece of wealth,that allah (swt) gave every human being is time.

May Allah give you strenght to get away from this temptations.find better friends,find company that is not into these things and try to spend more time with them and ins ha Allah you will wean yourself off this habit .bi idnillah (with the permission of allah (swt)).

A question by a student to mufti menk: why is music haram?what is the punishment for listening to music?

If you take a look at music and i know there are very few scholars, you know of late ,no there is nothing wrong and so on.the truth is even if we look at some of few scholars who might have said that OK you know what there is certain,you know its permissible.they are not talking about the beat of today. Today's beat is definitely excluded. There is no scholar on earth,Muslims scholars that allows you to listen beyonce,medona,Michael jackson and those ,that is completely out. Because number one its dirty,its filthy, the lyrics are horrible, terrible. They encourage you to move your body and shake your  thing as they say. May Allah forgive us,really. They move,you move your body,you are sexually hiped up. It moves you to a point and a peak. Where the dirtyness of this music industry has got to such a degree that the christians and the Jews who are follwing are also saying its prohibited,not just the Muslims. Its a dirty industry,ask those who are in it,its filthy.when you hear about music,you hear about how to attract the opposite sex and its all about love and and you know emotions and so. At home your not happy and when you go to work,you see someone your working with and your busy thinking ooh the music fits exactly here and so on. This things are happening,people are tempering with our minds. Where as we have the melody of the quran. The melodious revelation that allah (swt) has given us. Something great and grand. We should not substitute the quran with that. As for the punishment the person may get wallahi that's between them and allah (swt). Its up to allah how he chooses to do what he does.

what I need to tell you and what we all need to know is allah is most forgiving,most merciful indeed.if we have done anything wrong in our life,we ask Allah's forgiveness.we should not feel in our heart he is not forgiven me. Because that's also insulting allah. If you've been genuine in the way you asked Allah forgiveness,then allah has forgiven you and you can repeat that seeking of forgiveness as many times you want but don't doubt it,don't doubt. May allah (swt) help us and guide us and may allah (swt) bless you, your parents and us all.ameen

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