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Abdullah Bin amr (R) reported that the messenger of allah said:"anyone who has in him four habits is a pure hypocrite (munafiq).whoever has in him one of them in him has a portion of hypocrisy until he leaves it.they are:when he is entrusted he betrays,when he speaks he lies,when he promises he breaks it,and when he quarrels he abuses.(Al bukhari and Muslim)

We learn from this hadith:
Hypocrites are those who enter the religion from one door and exit from another because they have no faith.they pretend to be Muslims but conceal kufr in their hearts.they are enemies of islam.they express their enmity to islam in many ways.
The prophet (saw) described four qualities of a hypocrite.these four characteristics are the most treacherous.the practice of such vile habits creates mistrust in the society.

These four bad qualities are most disliked by allah,the almighty and he has prepared severe punishment for the hypocrites on the day of judgement.Muslims must not have these hateful qualities.nowadays parents say their kid if you eat i will give you chocolates or I'll take you to mall and all.even this kind of lie should not be said ,we will be included in hypocrites.

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