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Speaker-Wafiq syed

Its right before a championship game and the coach takes his team to the change room. He says to them,guys if you wanna win this game,if you want to go out and bring that gold home. You guys have to want it,you guys have to dream for it,have the passion, the will to go out and win!
#No 1 ma brothers and sisters
You need to have the want the desire. You need to yearn for your dreams. You need to have a want to make your dream become reality! So number one the want. Tick,Tock,Tick,Tock.
Its time for the game to start. The team goes out and plays. Despite the injuries,despite the pain that comes in their way,despite the ref's bad call. They still go out and play their hardest.
#No 2 ma brothers and sisters
You need to put in work. You need to be able to sacrifice what you are for what you will become. This is what Eric Thomas says,a motivational speaker you need to sacrifice what you are for what you will become! This means that you need to be able to go through a minor pain to avoid a bigger pain. So in this example the minor pain is that the team needs to go out and play. They need to go through injuries,bad calls whatever the minor pain be to avoid a bigger pain and that bigger pain is losing. So number two is the fact that you need to put in work and be able to sacrifices in order to become successful. Tick,Tock,Tick, Tock.Game over sound effect,the games ends and our team loses,our team loss the game.
# No 3 ma brothers and sisters
Pain is temporary, it may last a minute,an hour,a week or it may even last a year but eventually it will subside and something better will take its place. However if I give up now then pain is forever. This is another quote from Eric Thomas or what he quotes from someone else but the fact is that pain will come in your way, Allah says in the quran and surely we will test you with something from fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and Lives and fruits but give good tidings to the patient. As-sabireen(patient) who are they? Who when afflicted with calamity(2:56). Those who when they are inflicted with a calamity. They say truly, we belong to Allah  and to him we  will return (2:56). To Allah we belong and to him we return. So patience ma brothers and sisters you need to be patience with the pain that comes in your way.
So going back to the story this team loses and sure losing the championship game is extremely painful but they go back and work even harder they won't give up. They work even harder harder to come back next year and win the game. This ma brothers ands sisters how a person can become successful. Now  I end on one note going to back to the beginning the step we said having the want,having the desire to win the game or having a desire to accomplish your goals so the coach takes the team to the change room,talks to them and says you guys have to want to win. Now the reality my brothers and sisters a in our life is that we want to achieve goals, we wants our dream to become a reality but when you look at the story if the team stayed in that change room and desire to win the game for the whole time, they are just dreaming to win bro I wanna win the game,bro I wanna bring that gold home. They just had the desire. They kept dreaming to win and they never went out and played.
Could they win? No obviously not! But my brothers and sisters this is the reality we have so many dreams, we have so many goals to accomplish but we just sit at home expecting something to happen and what's the beauty of the result of that story? If that team stayed in the change room they would have lost by default, you know they have to forfeit because the teams not there. They don't show up to put in work.
The three become successful
# No 1 you need To have the want
# No 2 you need to put in work, go through minor pain to avoid bigger pain
# No 3 you need to be patient with the pain and calamity that comes in your way and then if Allah wills after all your hardwork

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