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Abu dharr (R) reported that the messenger of allah said:"fear Allah wherever you may be and follow up a bad deed with a good deed;it will erase it. And behave toward people with good manners."(at-tirmidhi)

We learn from this hadith:
First is am instruction to fear allah in every time and place.we are always under the observance of Allah.he observes all our activities wherever we may be,so we should always be careful.we should fear the displeasure and anger of allah and his punishment. Taqwa(fear and consciousness of Allah)is commanded repeatedly in the Quran,and is therefore a primary obligation upon every Muslim.
Man is bound to commit sins.but believers are directed to eliminate their misdeeds,first by repentance and apology to their lord and then by performing good deeds such as prayer,fasting,charity,performing hajj and umrah,praising Allah and helping others.
Behaving well toward people is an aspect of taqwa.without it taqwa is deficient.islam urges Muslims to be patient with others and do good to others.moral character and decent conduct spring from iman,so whoever fails to display these qualities is lacking in iman.

Islam is a unique combination of iman (faith) and akhlaq (good conduct).therefore,on numerous occasions prophet muhammad (saw) stressed the importance of good character,saying:"the best of you is the best of you in character." (All bukhari and Muslim)

"Indeed,the beleiver,through good character reaches the ranks of one who fasts [by day] and prays [by night]." (All bukhari and Muslim)

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