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Anas bin malik(R) reported that the prophet(saw) said:none of you will truly believe until he likes for his [Muslim] brother that which he likes for himself.(al bukhari and Muslim)

We learn from this hadith:
Islam urges Muslims not to be selfish and greedy.selfishness is not a quality of believers.selfish persons are disliked by allah.if a Muslim believes in Allah sincerely,he will love his Muslim brother.a true mu'min loves his Muslim brother like himself.
Real I man consists of love and affection,cooperation and collaboration. Islam encourages us to spread the spirit of brotherhood among the believers.the spirit of love and companionship is the basis of a Muslim society.
Each Muslim in society is one of its component parts;if anyone is suffering,then the whole community will feel this suffering,then the whole community will feel this suffering.

A shining example of this bond of brotherhood was when sa'd bin ar-rabi 'adopted 'abdur rahman bin awf 'as a brother.he offered to share with him everything he had,including one of his two wives.he intended to divorce one of them so that his brother in faith could marry her.but abdur rahman(R) did not agree to this offer.he only accepted from his ansari brother a small loan to begin a business and asked him to show him the way to the market.abdur rahman (R) later became a prosperous merchant.

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