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Answers by sheikh assim al Hakeem

My husband likes perfume alot and insists that I must wear it when we are going out together and that it is not haram if other men smell it as long as we are together I refuse and this is causing us to fight. What if I apply at home and I have to serve?

May allah bless you for your firmness in your belief. What you are doing is hundred percent correct and you shouldn't listen to shouldn't also wear perfume when he has guests in the home who will find your scent.


Sheikh,my question is that is it permissible to cut nails during periods?

Yes ,no problem.


3. Question:
Is this  permissible to ask  for something dua and saying that if I got what I asked for I will offer 10 nawafil or do fast a day or two?

This is a disliked vow that is not recommended.


4. Question:
I have a fiance my dad has finished all the investigation and is satisfied with him.but nikkah is being delayed and we have tried not to communicate with each other unless its necessary and now we have to wait an extra year again before the nikkah.can I talk to him,he is going through issues and he needs a support system.

No,you can't talk to him before the marriage


5. Question:
Sheikh in my local masjid the imam and people seek help from Others ,other than Allah and stand up to send salam upon prophet (saw).shall I pray behind that imam or change masjid?

If they are seeking help from dead person, this is a major shirk and do not pray behind that imam.


6. Question:
what is to be done with the interest money we recieve?

You must get rid of it by giving to Muslim charity in order to cleanse your wealth.


7. Question:
Ya Allah ya Muhammad is written in the near mosque can I pray there?what should I do?

The writing is shirk and if the doesn't say or believe in this,it is permissible.


8. Question:
I know it is sunnah to recite adhaan and iqamah in the right and left ears immediately when the child is born.

It is not part of sunnah to give adhaan and iqamah in the ears of new born as the hadith is not authentic.


9. Question
Hi often heard people saying that one have to apologize people before going to hajj because ones hajj or umrah won't be accepted by allah if he doesn't do this. Is this innovation or part of Islam?

This is baseless.


10. Question
I do graphic designing and islam has prohibited of making statues and pictures. I would like to know its okay or not to do website design for a non Muslim school?

This is not permissible as you don't want to fall under the threat of those making images and statues.


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